'United in their grief': Families of Wilmington double homicide victims seek justice (2025)

The New Hanover County district attorney and sheriff held a news conference Wednesday with the familiesof Saturday'sdouble homicide victims.

"We will do everything in our power to stop these senseless killings," New Hanover County Sheriff Ed McMahon said. "We are asking for our community's help to stop these crazy shootings."

On Saturday, a double homicide rocked the Providence community in the Middle Sound area of Wilmington.

'United in their grief': Families of Wilmington double homicide victims seek justice (1)

The New Hanover County Sheriff's Office confirmed the double homicide in a news release on Saturday afternoon, which involved 21-year-oldBri-yanna Williams, and 29-year-old Koredreese "Korry"Tyson. Anotherunknown 21-year-old woman, who called 911 about the incident, was also injured in the shooting and transported to New Hanover Regional Medical Center after she said on the 911 call she was shot in the arm and shoulder.

"I'm not just a DA, I'm a dad," said New Hanover County District Attorney Ben David. "Our thoughts and prayers are with these beautiful families and we know they are in a lot of pain."

David said he got to know Tysonbefore he died as well as the Tyson family and they are "absolutely committed to getting justice for both of them."

"Everyone is someone's baby and these two families are united in their grief," David said.

'United in their grief': Families of Wilmington double homicide victims seek justice (2)

David said in his more than 20 years of being in law he knows witnesses are necessary in cases like this in order to proceed with justice.

"Wouldn't you want the same thing (for your family) if you were standing behind us now?" David asked the public.

Adrian Dixon, Williams'mother, begged anyone with information to please come forward so her daughterand Tysoncan get justice.

"No tip is too small in this tragic case," she said.

Tyson's mother made one brief comment before the news conference ended:

"Let's just go in peace and just try to love one another," Tyson's mother said.

"There are some things, even in the divisive world, that we can all agree on," David said. "All of us can agree that a heinous crime like this one needs to get justice and everyone can agree that the best place to do that is not on the streets but in a courthouse. And every one of us can agree that we have an obligation to never forget these people who are now gone and we make sure we speak for them in a courtroom in a murder trial."

'United in their grief': Families of Wilmington double homicide victims seek justice (3)

The district attorney and sheriff's office declined to answer anyquestions.

McMahon said CrimeStoppers has partnered with the sheriff's office in offering a $3,000 reward to any information provided that may lead to an arrest in the investigation.

"I'm confident we are going to get justice in this case," David said. "There are people listening who know what happened and who can help us."

During the time of the shooting, which occurred intheProvidence subdivision at 6708 Providence Roadin Wilmington around 5 a.m., there were four peoplein the house, according to New Hanover County Sheriff's Office Public Information Officer Lt. Jerry Brewer.

'United in their grief': Families of Wilmington double homicide victims seek justice (4)

It remains unclear where Williams was at the time of the shooting, but according to the 911 call, Tyson was allegedly in the same room asthe unknown woman sleeping at the time of the shooting.

The caller told the operator, "We were asleep, me and Korry, my friend."She said she was in an upstairs bedroom when she got shot.

The sheriff's office declined to release the name of the injured woman at this time.

According to New Hanover property records, the home where the homicides occurred is owned by George Taylor III, chief operating officer for TRU Colors Brewery, and the son of TRU Colors Brewery Chief Executive Officer George Taylor.

Taylor III did not reportedly sustain injuries in the shooting.

Initial coverage:Sheriff's Office investigating double homicide at home of TRU Colors chief operating officer

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'There's a lot of blood':Chilling 911 call of Wilmington double homicide release

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Saturday's double homicide in Wilmington:Here's what we know

The sheriff's office has not said any arrests have been made in connection with the shootingas of Wednesday afternoon. Apparently, the only witness in the case so far —the 911 caller —saidit was too dark in the room and didn't see the shooter(s).

The sheriff's office confirmed Tyson was a validated gang member in Saturday's news release.

Anyone with information regarding the investigation can submit an anonymouscrime tip atnewhanoversheriff.com/submit-a-crime-tip.

Reporter Krys Merryman can be reached at 910-343-2272 or kmerryman@gannett.com.

'United in their grief': Families of Wilmington double homicide victims seek justice (2025)
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