Statesman Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)

6Datesman-J 19, 1986 To Place Your Ad, Call 399-6789 New Advertisers! Advertise your Service here and SAVE 30 Call 399-6789 for Details! Elderly Care Babysitting Building, Remodeling and Repair Painting Pressure Washing Top Soil WSbiT-Ready'MF minus Crushed Rock, Qanri Hfaual Alcn II.U..J Elderly Care CERTIFIED Adult Care Home. 2 vacancies. 20 yrs. Furniture Repair Relinishing Carpet Care Cleaning SAVE 10 when you present this ad on carpet upl. cleaning dying.

Carpat installation A repair, low prices- Free estimates. At your service of Oregon. Lie, bongVini. 363 3997 Reach tht people who need your er-vices with a low cost Service Source od. For more information on how to place your ad, call us at 399-6789 Hauling WALLS, windows, baths, carpets A floor stripping.

SERVICE MASTER 585-40(7 TOO BUSY TO CLEAN' Avail now, private homes, gtfices rentals. 363-1358 reasonable, excel ref. Call after 5pm. 363 0741 581-7309 Housesitting AMERICAN HOME CARE Housesitting. security checks, petslivestock care, gayjwkjfmgrates.

364-0483 Wall Papering PROFESSIONAL paperhang-ing Painting Free est. Lie, bonded. 74f 1854 tlgcjl) Yard Work HEDQES, trees trimmed, removed. Bark, weed, clean gptlree est 371-7212 NORTHWEST LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT Ins Reg. 305198 Free Bids 364-2299 Sen Disc SMITH BRO'S TREES-SHRUBS-HEDGES PruneRemove, Fruit tree specialty.

Mow-edge-rake free estSr, disc $B5-64Q8. SUNSET LANDSCAPING MAINT. Sprinkler repair, barkdustmg, gen clean ups, pruning, etc. Serving Salem Area since 1975, 37T-6801, LOVING Childcare my hiima inu limAHIau fl SE iges 1 UKewoQO ParK 58183 185 Agapeiand Day Care, Prurm. 4-COrners.

581-522 21 BAMBI PLAYLAND. South- area (Z-4'jyrs) Learninc tiviiies Mon-FrL S8(j 91 r.mrtt Pm-achl. I Ac (gar H.uc.n hnt lunrh Prk tgolgy in.NE 364-5095. Childcare my home. Lane area Plenty ot TLC ft hot meal 393-9256 anytime, CHILDCARE, Inlant to 5 My NE Home Central location.

Wkdas588 008U Bookkeeping BOOKKEEPING, PAYROLL, TAX SERVICE. Year Around Can Buroth 353-1 550, Building, Remodeling and Repair BUILDERS Use our 50-50 plan. We do thf hard oart. vou do the easy part Kitchen special- its QO- MR. FIX-IT REMODELING ft REPAIR No job too small Free est.

L'cyBgnded 363-1416. 601 Professional FISCAL MANAGER Salary $2040-52604 Mid-Wiliamette Senior Services Agency is recruiting for a fiscal manager who is responsible for all aspects of accounting and budget preparation for the agency. The successful candidate must have a bachelors degree in accounting, business administration, financial or public administration or closely related field: and ft yrs re-SDonsibie experience gov ernment accounting and Duugei preparation inciuumy 1 vr of supervisory experi ence. Obtain recusing an nouncement a appiicanon at the Mid-Wiilemette Valley Senior Services Agency. 220 High St.

NE. Room 410. Senator Bldg. Salem. Ore.

97301 Applications must be postmarked by Jan. 21. 1986 to be considered. EOE. HAIRSYLIST Comm-t-guarantee.

Call 390-6821. HAIRDRESSERS, have full 4 Sart time lease stations for 350, part time $275. Manicurist, comm. or lease 371-8632 INSTRUCTOR for Linn-Benton Community College, full time, 6mo temporary position, starting salary plus fringe benefits. Develop A coordinate entrepreneurial assistance program including goal setting, action plan, classroom instruction, group support, individual consulting monitoring participant progress.

Requires BABS degree in business or other appropriate discipline. Prefer MBA, experience in ownership or small business management, college level teaching A familiarity with local business communities. Application deadline 5pm Jan 28, 1986. Apply with LBCC application, resume letter of application at the: Human Resources office, 9676502, LBCC, CC-123. 6500 SW Pacific Blvd.

Albany OR 97321. EOE INSTRUCTOR English as a second lan guage, adjunct position available for Spring semester 1986. Responsible for 2 courses in ListeningSpeak ing sKiiis ai nign Degmning a mfermediate levels. Possible continuation in summer. A.

E.S.L. and experience with Hispanic cultures preferable. Salaried. Screening will begin immediately. Send resume letters of recommen dation to Dr.

Ellen Summer- field. Lintieid College, McMinnville, (Ore. 97T28 AAbUfc INVESTIGATOR Wanted: Retired Law En forcement Officer tor part-time investigations. Must be exp. with statements su- brosa.

bnort resume to: KU Box 13338. Salem OR 97309 LIBRARY ASST. GREETER SERVICES Sunday-Thursday, 1-1 Opm. Bachelors degree min. of 2 rs.

worn exp. required, u-irarv OCLC exp. prefer red. Exc. organizational supervisory skills manada-tory.

Submit letter of application, resume 3 contacts for reference to Personnel Office. Linfield College. McMinnville OR 97128. AAEOE. MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE Growing company seeks service oriented individual with strong communication skills, retail background andor college desireable.

Also competitive salary. Excellent benefit package and comprehensive training. If you are self-directed and interested in making a committment, to a challenging career please apply at mid will jobs council oak hills man, eagewaier st. nw suite 225 salem between 9 am and 5 pm position closes lanuary 20th. EOE.

MRDD STAFF Hiring tor swing shift to in clude weekends to train MRDO adults, skills activi ties in daily living. Pay mummy. oeiiKMlb inuiuue health ins vacation sick leave Send resume to: Ad. No. 1266.

Statesman-Jour-nal. Saiem. OR 97309. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST Full time position available in accredited out-Datient Dam clinic for OTR. with recent experience in mental or physical disability.

BS in occupational therapy required, exc report writing team worn sKiiis a must, excellent salary benefits Submit resume to Personnel Department. NWPC. 10615 SE Cherry Blossom Port-land. Oregon 97216. PERSONAL LINES UNDERWRITER A rapidly growing Oregon propeny ana casualty insurance company has an ime diate ooenmna for a oer sonaf lines underwriter with a minimum of 5 years of automobile, homeowners, farm-owners, and fire un derwriting experience.

We offer a competitive benefits pacitage. a pleasant work ing aimospnere ana an opportunity for advancement. If interested please send your resume, including salary history to Statesman-Journal ad no. 1240, Salem, Ore. 97301.

AM replies will pe.neiqjn strict conTiaence PLUSH HAIR SALON In S. Saiem 2 stations for lease. $4uQmo. 364-6245. 601 Restaurant Food Service JOB RESUME S5.00 4 up Write, type, print FREE CONSULTATION 247 Commercial NE 370-9005 NOW HIRING Host person, wait erwaitress.

co*cktail server Hrly wage Apply in person Mon Tues 2-4pm. Prime Rib Riverside 103 Pine St. NE. Salem 601 Sales ADVERTISING REP. your area ar i magazine puonsn-er Renewable 30 commis sion weekly Training Jim wo'Ter.

i argeT rvnarxeT kuoh-cations 1 L7950. AMERICAN FAMILY VIDEO Now accepting applications from sales onentea individuals Must work flexible schedule Hrly rate COMMISSION exc benefits Send apppiicaton to-555 Liberty Rd No 390 SaiernOr 97302 SENIOR CITIZEN CARE Shopping, doctor, errands, relieve visits, stroke restorative care Reasonable rates messaaesjape, EXCELLENT compassionate xp. care for your loved one, certified. Reas. 1340 Madrona So, 363 6219 WE Specialize in elderly care Private semi-private rooms 24 hr.

supervision. 362 5325 or e23-54t9 PRIV Semi Ig rms, exc floor plan tor wheel chairs walkers Good meals. 24 hr care State Cert 5ai J443 PRIVATE care home C. wyrs of exp 24hr. super- yision.585.S49L HOME STYLE LIVING Full -Part time.

Alzheimers ac- CERTIFIED QUALITY CARE Elderly Infant care. Basic housework incl. 364-7147 WOULD help persons in-home: rm slry. 58S-Q380, Becki, PERM SPECIAL $20. by lie.

stylist, for elderty or home bounds Rett, 370-8401, Cert, home-round the clock care for elderly By week or monttL 39i50Si390-a282 KELLY offers aualitv oer- sonal care, 24hr activ. NE loc. 390-0053 gig Employment DID Aoencies EVERGREEN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1324 Liberty St. SE ACCOUNT REP. banking, finance or savings loan background $1800 to S2000 plus comm.

CPA. experienced, computer accouttng $1500 mo doe. LEGAL SECRETARY-tVDe 70. word processor, $1000 up doe. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIS-TANT-Good secretarial skills, 3 yrs experience in administration, word processor, $1000 mo.

TRAVEL AGENT 2 yrs. minimum experience, relocate. $1200 mo. FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEP-ER-strona backaround in bookkeeping accounting, property mgrni. 9nuu mu.

AUTOMOTIVE BOOKKEEPER, full cycle. $1200 mo up DOE. bonuses. Call 370-7617 TRAVEL AGENCY OPPORTUNITIES AGENT Oregon Coast. I need you! Debra.

581-8906. PT AGENT 50hr: doesn demand heavy expe rience! ueora, ooi-oauo: Acme Personnels Salem Agency. 441 Union REAL ESTATE CUSTOMER SERVICE up, plus meddent ins. profit snar-inq more! Company pro moted present employee: I neea you! ueora. aoi-tjyub; Acme Personnels Salem Agency, 441 Union.

FAST-MOVING SECRETARY Wide variety of duties, in- ciuamg wora processing, in busy office. 1 1 00monTh meddent benefits more. I need you quickly! Rod, 581-8906; Acme Personnels Salem Agency, 441 Union CREDITCOLLECTIONS CLERK $800month up. plus lots of benefits: meddentlife prom snaring, morel Lively, "healthy" office. I need you! Rod.

581-8906; fttniB rersonneis oaiem Agency. 441 Union WHOLESOME RELIABLE DELIVER DRIVER NEEDED: Lots of contact with senior citizens, quite a bit of heavy lining, some tix-ii work. Kaiser med ins. plus more. I need you! Rod.

581-8906: Acme Personnels Salem Agency, 441 Union SALES ADVERTISING DESIGN Commission-pay job with minimum guarantee: many prior customers to re-self! Rod. 581-8906; ACME PERSONNEL'S Salem Agency, 441 Union PART-TIME OPPORTUNITIES: PT SECY: $4-8hr, 1 daywk PTGEN0FC: $4hr. flexible 15-20 hrwk. Apply by 10am: Rod. 581-8906: Acme Person- nels Salem Agency, 441 Union LEGAL ASSISTANTSECRETARY growing office on South side of Portland.

I need you! Debra 581-8906: Acme Personnels Salem Agency, 441 Union CIO School UIO Education MEN AND WOMEN TRAIN NOW for a new career TRACTOR TRLR DRIVER HEAVY EQUIP. OPERATOR Local and national ob placement assistance. Eligible institution guarantee Student Loans Pell Grants Accredited Member NHSC Correspondent resident training SUPERIOR TRAINING SERVICES, INC. CALL 581-6969 1655 Capitol NE Suite 2. Salem Head office.

Phoenix. Ariz PACIFIC COAST SCH00L0FTRUCKING Job ready in 6 weeks Day or Evening Classes 'Financing avail. NEXT CLASS FEB. 3 JALLSALEM371-8287 MERCHANDISE 700 7A1 Household ML Furnishings Furniture Recovering SALE THIS WEEK 25 OFF LABOR Thousands of yds. quality fabric in stock at low prices.

Thousands of orderable fabric 20 off Sample Sale Price incl. fabrics labor: CUSHIONS $12up DINETTE CHAIRS $14 up WESTERN OIVAN $86 up SOFAS. HIDEABE0S up Fast expert service. Same low prices on all kinds of household furniture, antiques, boat seats, camper trlr. cushions etc.

Pickup delivery. Quality Fabrics Upholstery 3831 River Rd (Keizer) 390-2513 Open 8-5 dailySat SCOTTS FURNITURE TAG SALE 4744 CENTER NE. 363-2022 WE HAVE TAGGED NUMEROUS ITEMS FOR QUICK CLOSE OUT JENNY LIND crib, complete; Whirlpool washer dryer; oak table w4 chairs 4 1 leaf: hail table: beds king. 3ueen dbl A twin: chest of rawers. buffets: rockers uphois or wood; reclmer: sausage press desk A more' 5485 iMadeay Rd SE THE RED BARN 362 -7003 JANUARY CLEARANCE" still many items reduced to clear.

Great savings at MIKLIA'S JlUinfster NE. 364 6632 SUNLOK Sunrooms our specialty Slorm replacement windows Solai remodeling Lie bonded, ins Free esi Senior diSC. 581 84 76 MAKEY HOME BUILDERS Ep -Comm 1 Residential Biog, Remodel, custom cabinets 362 3725 SUNUP Const Foundation spec under exist, homes, remove dryrot. insul. painting.

iQyr exp 393-0905 OVER 30 VRS EXP remodel, repair, int. finish, custom cab additions Work guar. Senior disc. 393-0583. REMODELORNEW Jim Irvm Const.

REMODELING SUNCO CONST, 362 4848 HiIIiqoss Homes 390-1190 Exp remodeling additions inside out free estimate REMODELS, additions, baths, quality work, BeasiJFREEest.85-j095J If you want to find a cash buyer tor items vou no longer need, advertise in Qlass.ilied., 601 Sales CAREER OPPORTUNITY We are a leading national growth appliance company continually opening new branches. We need men women who are ambitious rowth minded to staff these ranches. Now hirina Manu- fact Assist. Mors. Branch Mors Benefits.

It you are interested we can give you earning opportunity of SsOday while learning. Commbonusmcentives Only apply if you are ready to start work immed. Call 364-2273 for personal interview EQJL CAREER OPPORTUNITY It you re tired of dead-end JOBS and are ready for a CAREER with a large international company, you could be for us. If you are selected we will tram you for 3 weeks in Portland on selling servicing established income protection accounts at our expense. We have a guaranteed income to start as well as many other company benefits that include profit snaring, we aiso nave rapia advancement into management tor the naht person.

To qualify you must: 1 Dc i or over 2. Be bondabie 3. Have a car 4. Have a positive mental attitude For personal interview, call 682 2569 Mon. Tues.

from 10 a.m. ask for Charley Hanson. EOE DO YOU HAVE ADESIRETO WIN? Our training can prepare you for a winning management position in your locality in 6 months. You can expect to earn $12 000 to $20 000 per ear wnne training, auaranteed minimum $1200 month income to start. 3 weeks trammq in school.

expenses paid. Teaming in the field selling and servicing established ioss-OT-Time accounts. Must be 21 or over, qoal oriented, ambitious, sports mmded. bondabie. Benefits offered include major medical and outstanding profit sharing plan.

For the right person this will be a lifetime career opportunity with an international group of companies. Call for an appointment Mr. Mixe Mon. and Tues. 588-7302.

10 to 4 EOE MF. EXP. AGENTS Are you seriously interested in earning uu xo jiuuu per week working full Exc. commissions along with good products and leads. We prefer persons who have naa Meaicare supplement sales but we will tram.

you oo need to be an Oregon licensed Life Health agent. Call Mr. LaNore at 585-1570 for an appt. today ana ryionady trpm uam-pm HAVE AREAS OPEN FOR 2 salesDeoDle. Full or oart time.

Exc. income potential. iraming program, tomm. McGeeS PO box 1063, Salem, Or 97308. IF You are a winner, looking for an opportunity to grow and become a professional broadcast salesperson contact: Brad PirasSales Mngr, KSLMKSKD, 364-8433.

IMMEDIATE opening for sales distributor, wanted in the food industry, commission. Send resume to: Box Holder, PO Box 387, Dayton OR 97114 IMMEDIATE Openings for full part time sales associates at Women's Fashion Store in Salem. Salaried, great benefits. Apply only if you are enthusiastic, exuberant, energetic. goal-oriented.

Send resumes to PO Box 13069, Salem, Oregon 97309. INSURANCE SALES Start now learn the insurance business in your spare time. Farmers Insurance, the 2nd largest auto insurer in Oregon offers free training classes the opportunity to go full time earn monthly guaranteed income. on the career program Contact Curt Pedersen at 363-4764, 390-7487 home INSURANCE SALES Start now learn the insurance business in your spare time. Farmers Insurance, the 2nd largest auto insurer in Oregon offers free training classes the opportunity to go full time earn monthly guaranteed income.

on the career program Contact Curt Pedersen at 363-4764. 390-7487 home JOB RESUME $5.00 up. Write, type, print FREE CONSULTATION 247 Commercial NE 370-9005 JOB RESUME $5.00 up Write, type, print FREE CONSULTATION 247 Commercial NE 370-9005 JOIN US FOR FUN ft EARNINGS as Avon begins our 100th Centental Celebration. Begin with as little as $5 investment. Call 399-9221.

KEY PERSONNEL SALES MGR. TRAINEE Subsidiary of multi-million dollar holding company will select tram 2 persons as potential partners with state manager to help develop Oregon Region-Financial Ser-vices-min. 3 yrs exp. in direct sales heipful-exc. earnings plus comm.

renewals. Appts. accepted only by serious career minded hard working persons-Dial 585-9962 Mon-Tues. LOOKING FOR A CAREER? NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED EXC. COMPENSATION PLAN We ve been in business over 200 years, recessions due not attect us.

Dignified, no pressure selling to waiting prospects First years earning potential is excellent, with $205 oaid per sale. tflrcis.sL399-8.640 bet. 9-1pm MARKETING FIRM LooKmg for High quality sales people Solar energy products. SaiemCorvaiiisAT- bany Pay negp 344-jb94. SALEM EUGENE AREA Industrial eauipment sales position open tor ex peri enced salesperson Indivtdu ai can expect income of 30V for 1st 12 months 100 commission, no base salary American Equipment L-o mc Portland.

Oregon 1-800 851 5521 The Bon is now accepting applications for experiences saies assoc Apply person between iuam-bpm. tut SALESDELIVERY ales cierK for florist shop 30-40 firs wk. also delivery person 'clean DMV recora Hriy wane sena resume ru Saiem $7302 Commercial Sand Gravel jrM.Hiver Hq. g.boB-iwg TOPSOIL FOWLER S. 363-5103 Crushed rock, sand gravel U-Haul or We hau" TOPSOIL RIVER BOTTOM LOAM Call anytime reas.

prices HQ Sa.nrJ 4 Gravel 364-9238 Tree Service caudletr'ee service" Sprayina Pruning, Topping Slump Removal 364-l4! TOPPING-TRIMMING, removal, stump removal. FREE Upholstery R4 CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY 18 yrs exp, lowest prices In town. Alto used furniture. JBi3 flia Hd NE 363-3234 UPHOLSTERY SCHOOL NO LABOR CHARnc Sunrise Network Wall Papering VILLAGE TINKER Paint, paper, repairs. Lie oonaeayins.

joe, JM-b4b2 PETS SUPPLIES 712 mPets, Pet Food Supplies BARGAINS IN FUR COATS Golden Retriev. F. $40 Doberman male Blk. tan. watchdog.

Good wchildren. $27 Lab fern. Chocolate $27 Puppies (1) Spaniel mx; (1) co*cker Terrier-(1) Beuver des Fiandres mx $15 ea. Lhasa Apso. female, apricot color, $35.

All had shots. To approved homes 362-6294 DOGS In Need of Homes: gold, retriever, collie. 2 Lab Buppies. mini-Dachshunds, oberman, Border collie, Dalmatian, Newfoundland, Brittany Spaniel. 2 small terrier mixes.

Shepherd mix. Prices from 1-838-0412 Monmouth. 9-5. 20 POUNDS Loveable! Looks like mini St. Bernard.

Yng. adult male. Blk Tank white. $27. 1-838-0412.

PIT BULL MIX Female. Totally sweet dis-postion. young adult. NO PROBLEMS! Monmouth. English Sheepdog Mix Med size 6 mo.

female. Intelligent. Exceptionally nice loveable pet. Shots. $25 to approved home.

362-6294 THE PET PEDDLER WE HAVE MOVED TO: 3623 Liberty Rd. S. Salem. 363-5410. Buff colored AKC female co*cker Spaniel, 5 mo.

old. all current shots, needs loving home attention, new home, must be acceptable to me. S75. 393-4115. AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVER Quality puppy.

16 weeks, all shots, great familyobedience, $200terms. 393-8413, J04-U5MU. THE LAST ONE! AKC co*cker Buff male 9 See parents. 1st shots a wormeo. iuu.

743-4316 local. AKC co*ckers. Lhasa; Sheltie mxs; Parakeets $9 95; green Iguanas; sing Canaries IED PIPER PET PALACE Lancaster Mall 58-9997 FREE dog to good home, 18mo female, Aust. ShepBorder Collie, house-broken, does tricks. 390-5110 eves wknds GOLDEN RETRIEV.

MIX female, not too big. Great dispostion1 $27 to approved home. 1-838-0412, 9am-6pm WIREHAIRED POINTER Male. Mature adult. Companion dog.

Good dispostion! $27. 1-838-0412. Monmouth. NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND 18 mos, shots, neutered, loves children, watchdog. PAQAICCTC in i ers fancy colors, $8 ea.

Take all $7 ea. Also breeding cages avail. 1-623-5616. CHINESE SHAR-PEI Pet show quality puppies avail. 1-638-9707.

NEW! African Cichlids; dwarf bunnies: guinea pigs. ANDERSON PET JUNGLE 3870 Comm I. SE. 585-7387 AKC Registered male Pomeranian, 10 mos. old, cream, paid $200, sell for $50.

588-8426 AKC SHELTIES: Mini collies. Auburn Sable-white marked. Quality. Little Lassie pups. Ch.

lines. $200 (4) AKC MALTESE PUPPIES Little White Fluff Balls Paper Tramed-No Shed $250ea. 581-0455 BOSTON TERRIER PUPS. Purebreds, 8 wks, well marked. 3 males $135ea.

2 remaies aioaea. jjjj-iuaj. 2 MALE Collies 1 Tri-Color wout papers $75; 1 Sable vihite wpapers $100. 1-453-5121. AKC Scottish Terrier Pups, 1st shots.

VWD tested stock. Halls Ferry Kennels 364-6404. Female Toy Poodle, purebred, must sell due to child allergy, hsbroke S65. 363-1 1 30 AKCSHIHTZU $150. 393-3392 Nan's Grooming Boutique Prof.

Grooming. Persona-lized Pet Siftina. 371-1881 AKC English Bull dog puppies, ready now, $500. Call 6H-3566 stavton. AKC ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPS.

7 wks Adorable. 393-6990 Salem. PUPPIES. German ShepherdLab Cross. FREE.

1-623-6213 PARTY MIX co*ckER, 2 yr. old male. $25. Good with kids. 390-4857 after 2 PM.

K-NAN KENNELS German Shepherds, OFA certif. stud avail. 371-1881 AKC co*cker pups 10 wks. old. black.

1 male. 1 female: $100 each. 743-4488 local. AKC Pembroke Welch Corgi red white. 4 mos.

$100 or best offer. 588-0205 aJL5. 2 YOUNG female cats free to loving inside home. Phone 362-fB55 1 YR Purebred MALE MALA-MUTE dog to good home. $50.

Loves ids. 393-9118. BEAUTIFUL Male Himalayan cat 1v years old. proven breeder $60. 585-71 PUREBRED Bassett Hound Euppy, 9wks.

To approved omellOO. 370-9480. WOLF HYBRID CUBS: 50. 62. wolf $125.

$225. $550 Terms 1-538-2893 FREE PUPPIES PitbullLab mix. gentle, good with kids. 581-6282. FREE TO GOOD HOME 1 yr old standard poodle.

588 0241 PITBULL, LESS THAN 1 YR. Female, shots, licensed, $80. best offer 364:2597. AKC Reg co*cker 9 mo. old female, black A tan.

loves $125 769-7481Stayton FREE PUPPIES: 7 wks. old. German ShepherdGolden Retriever mix Can 370:8675 FREE to Good home loving Female miniature Dachsuncl spader 0. Blk LabRet free to good home 6 yrs old. gd wk-ds.

good watchdog 363-2288 FREE: Silver Himalayan Mix Male kitten 12 wks old. 393 3755 Lovely AKC Poodle Pups SERVICE. 390-5263 AKC BLOODHOUND PUPS $200. ea. 926 1992 Albany AKCDohprmapuo female.

S100. 393-5991 est BucVt.371-.920Q WINTER RATES-20 DISC. Free Estimate, LieInsured 1 1 PAINJINa 588-048fj Roofing Gutters REROOFING OUR SPECIALTY Lloyd Weigel Inc. Rooting 4 Gutter Co. Ml types.

Serving Salem for ji o. ioa Dsiuiiaitis H- cense, ft KING ROOFING ALL TYPES. SENIOR DISC. 393:8431 or.39a-.R73 Eves NW Professional Rooling MtMUUMNIj SsKfcUIALISTS All types Repairs Free 585-7003 Schiller Sons Roofing Financing Available 364-9405; 962-8188 Wdbnv Storm Windows JIM IRVIN CONST. 704 Sewing, Arts Crafts KENMORE ZIGZAG SEWING MACHINE.

Exc. cond. wcabi nevi 110. 371-3570. WANTED: Unique handcrafted items for resale at fairs craft shows.

585-2750. SINGER sewing machine wnice cabinet, good $75 364-5486 SEWING MACHINE, $50 3719260 7 AC Jewelry UP Clothing CONSIGNMENTS needed. Womens clothing sz. 18up. Bt 58 uais zooo State.

9202, 362-6961. BEAUTIFUL silver fur coat. Christmas gift, too small Size 10-12. 200. 370-7576 BOY Black Leather Jacket, size 36.

excellent condition. $100offer. 585-9456 LADY'S Raincoat. $60. Leather jacket $16.

both like new size 8. 364-3489 706 TV, Stereo, VCR's NEW COLOR TV's $199 Low Prices Microwaves-VCR's Convenient Credit Terms DENNY WILLIAMS AUTO TV Liberty Market 362-0531 Reconditioned TV'S Portables consoles. BW color. All sets guaranteed. MARR'S TV APPLIANCE 2625 S.

Comm I. 363-9201 LIKE NEW TEKNIKS 50 watt stereoreceiver. Cassette deck, turntable, plus 2 Klipsh Speakers. Cost $1480. Sell $895.

585-7196. IS ALL YOU PAY for VCR s. TV s. Stereos AMERICAN FAMILY VIDEO 362-7499 GUARANTEED USED TVs 19 color portable $69. $20.

Russ TV 399-1633: eves 581-1206 AIWA AD110 cassette deck, high speed tapetape dubbing, Doby more $425 new. $200. 362-5820 CASH. WE BUY USED Solid State TV'S Recorders, working or not. 363-0048 25" RCA color TV, $95 25" Quazar color TV, $95.

Color portable, $75 393-1249. COMPONENTS, tape decks, pwr. amp. receiver. Equaliz-er.

7 AO Musical IUO Instruments YOU SAW IT ON Yamaha's NEW digital keyboard feels like a piano sounds like an orchestra thinks like a computer. SEE AT: WEATHERS MUSIC 2825 362-8708 JUST ARRIVED New shipment from the worlds 2nd largest piano mfg. Choose from over 50 new used pianos at 15-50 OFF CAPITAL PIANOS-ORGANS 388 Commercial NE. Downtown Salem KAWAI PIANOS -One of the worlds highest rated pianos and yet reasonably priced at DAY MUSIC 50 minutes off 205 in SE Portland Call Bob or Jim Day collect at DAY MUSIC CO 5516 SE Foster. 775-4351 HAMMOND T-212 organ with floor Leslie.

$350. Wur-litzer elec piano $175. Casio MT-200 keyboard $100. 362-9605 DELAY $200. Shure mics $40 ea.

4x12 cab $200. Washburn acoustic $175. 838-5686 Independence OVATION acoustic-electric model 1621 whardcase, $450. Fender Vibro Champ amp $100. 370-7793.

WE BUY PIANOS STONE'S. 363-1686 UPRIGHT PIANO Good $550. 749-1321 (local). CONN tenor sax wcase. exc.

cond, perfect for serious stu-dent or pro $395. 399-8038 PIANO MOVING HARMON S. 585-5397 PIANO REPAIR HARMON PIANO 585-5397 YAMAHA PORTASOUND (Electric keyboard). Like new. $150.

371-3337. WURLITZER PIANO Like new cherry finish $800: 623-3220. YAMAHA CP70 Elec. Grand Piano. Very gd.

cond $2995. (WKgavs 1972 YAMAHA Electone (Jrqan, exc. cond. $450. 393-6370 GUITAR INSTRUCTOR Looking for Students Music West 364-6757 Ken.

LOWERY Carnival organ, magic genie, $1200. 364-1576 6' GRAND polished walnut Schaefer Son, $5,000. 399-7006. 1959 ORGASONIC By Baldwin, dbl keyboard with seat. Works.

$125offer 362-9638 THOMAS ORGAN: 2-key-board. wbench; hardly used: good $300. 370-7757. Used Baldwin Acrosomc $995. Harmons 585-5397.

71ft Office Equip. and Supplies DICTAPHONE TRANSCRIBER, desk top unit wfoot control and headset; portable minicassette recorder: perfect condition; purchased in '83 for $700; tell for J450l 3637897, OFFICE Desk, metal Truck toolboxes $50: IBM Seieetrtc typewriter $150: Aperture card reader metal detecting Bulova much mce 399 7267 AT ft TELEPHONE EQUIP-MENT. Three phones; multi-line capacity: intercom: perfect condition: purchased '84 for $1 ioo; seii issOijses-Tsg? GLASS cases, burglar alarm, cash reg. safe, microfiche, shelving, gondo-laSj for appt 1-372 5009 SHARP FAX COPIER SS501 S350.623 6215 Dallas 711 Hosp.Medical ill Supplies Serv. HOSPITAL BED.

wiails. manual, $155 Electric hosp. bed wrails. exc. cond $395 Can deliver 981-0356 Wdbn ELECTRIC Easy Lift Chair, used 1 month $1,666 new, sell $900 firm.

362 0145 A low-cost ad in Classified is the easy way to find a cash buyer for items yqu no tonQer use or need. ANTIQUE RESTORATION Oil finish a spec. -Free est QllimeJfYoQdfj Hauling BRUSHBUSTERS Cleanup, oaraae. brush, etc. Gem I.

labor Est. 581-5Q73 SUPER HAULER Brush cleanup, aarb. debris. E.x& ESL.585-1684378-0.235 THE HAPPY HAULER Pruning. Brush Cleanups.

House Cleaning FAST, expl Bring all supplies $6. 50hr up to 6hra cleaning. Joyce 371-1525 HEAVY CLEANING, floors, windows, carpets, walls, etc. Jywathgn 370238 DAISY FRESH HSEKEEPING Professional service at a 7Ai Household fUl Furnishings Mini Blinds 60 Oil VEROSOL 50 OFF. FREE NSTALLATION, DRAPERIES AT DISC.

PRICES. Grants Draperies 362-9619 ETHAN ALLEN Sofa Love-seat New cond. S595: Bedroom set. walnut $195 Glass cotfe tble $95; 2 LR chairs S50ea: K-size waterbed whtr $75. 585-4550 Unfinished Furniture Westwood Industries 540 LANCASTER SE 585-7845 WATERBED QUEEN.

Surchased Jan. 2nd for 300, waveleas matt, comforter, sheets, liner, heater, QUEEN bed, dresser bed stand $85. Sofa-beige $125. Recliner-chocolate $75. Kitchen table5 chairs $30.

TV black white $30. 362-8993 SIDE-BY-SIDE $75; Soma II Queen Waterbed. $170: (10) Rabbit cages. $5 Girl 20" bicycle, very good cond. $50.

362-3419 TWIN beds (2) whead-boards. $50ea. Dresser, $25. desk. $10.

Corner table, $10. Lamp. 810. 3998038. Must sec.

like new, beauti ful full size sofa htde-a-bed, earthtone colors, $150. Also desk chair. 18. 390-3917 DRESSER $60 (like new). lamp $50.

Kitchen dinnet set w2 chairs. $60. Bookshelf $60. 390-4179. KINGSIZE bed.

$75. Kino- size down comforter. $100 Hide a way bed couch, $40 585-4313 eves. SOFAS. $125 each.

Coffeeend tables, $150; mirrors. $20 $10: sewing ma-chine $125. 370-7757. Want Your Furniture Appliances, Tools. Estates, 31-3445 daynight FOR FURNITURE apples.

588-3090 dir. NEW SOLID WOOD BUNK BEDS $79 Handcrafted, dbl. doweled. 585-3513 aft 5 APPROXIMATELY 55 sq. yds.

of used carpet pad $137. Ph. 362-6952. BEAUTIFUL din. table w6 chairs 8, matching hutch.

$800. 1-769-5840 eves. SOFA, high backed, queen sized sleeper. Like new. 390-6695.

Broy Hill table 4 chairs, ibu. uverstutted couch, 50 585-3052, 370-9927. LIKE new queen hide-a-bed. rust beige blue nylon cover, $350. 5858116.

7' EARLY AMERICAN FLORAL PATTERN COUCH, LIKE NEWI $200. 393-1619 CAPTAIN'S BED with mattress, elec. blanket A bed-spread. $200. 393-1619 LIVING room furniture: couch, loveseat.

chair ot-toman $150 for all. 399-8038 TRUNDLE BEDS Good $75. 364-5486 SOFA. 2-pc sectional, used 3 mos. Must sell.

Pd $775, asking $250. 3BU-1249 KING WATERBED Padded rails, waveless, mirror hdbrd $200 588-1795 eveswknds KING WATERBED, 4 poster, dark oak finish; 6 drawers headboard. $350. 378-1641. SOFA 6Vj') MATCHING CHAIR.

Sturdy. $60offer. aoa-fub SLEEPER SOFA. Queen Size, black vinyl, exc. Can Deliv $150.

581-0838. STORAGE ITEMS: Stoves recliner, twin beds. Cheap. 362-4945. FORMICA Top Table w2 swivel chairs exc cnnrlitmn $35.

838-3902 Independence IMMEDIATE CASH FOR fum. appls. 362-7003 Dir. QUALITY USED FURN. exc.

selection. 588-3090 dir. TV-Stereo Wall Unit $100: dbl. bed wf rame $50. 581 -9 1 99.

2 DOUBLE BEDS $65 each or best 370-8760 eveninos. 702 Appliances SUNRISE TVSVCRS COMPUTERS MAJOR APPLCS MICROWAVES 6 MO. WARRANTY 100 COMPLETE SERVICING FREE Pickup del. FREE Est. Mon thru Sun.

Trade-ins welcome. Cash for your workingnot. 3046 Prtld Rd NE 588-3090 GUARANTEED NEW USED APPLIANCES SERVICE PARTS ALSO RENT TO OWN FREE LOCAL DELIVERY RAM 365 Comm I. NE. 363-7933 GUARANTEED USED RANGES.

WASHERS DRYERS We also pay cash for your used appliances of value. APPLIANCE HOUSE 1140 CAPITOL NE 362-561 1 QUALITY NEW ft USED APPLIANCES Sales And Service Salem TV Cntr 1040 CpmmJ. SE581J1 4S COLDSPOT 17 cu, ft $200; Kenmore wasn-erdryer $250; 3 pc Redwood wall unit $150; Varsity 10 spd. $75; blackdecker elec. mower $25: Exec, desk $50; Aft 6.

393-9360 NEW Used Appliances Sales A service. All major brands Service guaranteed MARR'S TV 4 APPLIANCE 2625 Comm I. 363-9201 HERE'STHECASHH WANT: Washers Dryers. We Buy Whirlpool. Kenmore, GE.

Maytag Workingnot. Annk All Appls Waranteed. Also Rent To Own at MOLES 3926 River Rd 390-0161. Salems Largest Selection Appliance Refer Center A C. 2350 State 362J11 95 WANTED to $30 alive or DEAD DRY, STOVE refrig etc QT.

371-4069 RECONO. WhulpoolKen-more washers or dryers. 6 mo guarantee. $85 up. FREECitydel 585-5165 dlr BEAVER STATE RENTALS Rent to own turn TV Washers.

Dryers. Refrig 1410 12th SE 363-0048 dlr NEWER heavy duty washer A dryer set. hardly used. A steal at $300 firm! AfteiL7pnvJ64-2675 WHIRLPOOL Washer dryer, excel $200 CALL 588 2662 Cement Contractors CONCRETE'S FINEST Cement work. Reasonable Er Ceramic Tile GERMAN TILE SETTER Inst.

ceramic, quarry or paver tile. Domestic Service Young woman would like to live in nice comfortable home will do housekeeping, babysitting, chores, caring for invalid, etc. Desire room, board salary Have furni-turej. Joan 588-03' 9 Drywall TAPING hanging, spraying Repairs. FREE estimate pondedinsured.

390-Q87fj. 601 Sales tfndfr SENDER. Ameri ca fastest growing gitt- wrappingpacKagmg si -vices, is seeking energetic, enthusiastic, individuals to work in our new Salem location Looking for creative people for full part time, nriy. gin-wrappingpacnay-inarelail sales positions. Management potential avail.

Resume to Tender Sender, 2020 W. 4th, Portland 97201 or call 1-242-1081 SALES HELP WANTED Te lemarketing exoer. preferred but not nec. Top comm. paid.

Ph. 585-7083. SALES OPPORTUNITY Hiqh income potential, Na tional wholesale co. needs REPS, to call on businesses your area. Jewelry product sells itself, comm.

214-348-8144. SUPURB ADVERTISING SALES PERSON WANTED Sell advertising in Salem area for professional Dental Publication. 20 commission. High potential. Jan.

thru March. Send resume to Cheatham Publishing, PO Box 5317, Eugene, Oregon 97405. Ph. 485-2169 wknds. TELEMARKETING Inside Sales, established firm, full time, hourly comm.

Call Phyllis 588-0455 Monday thru Wed. 1-4pm. UNLIMITED INCOME OPPORTUNITY for women or men. Call 585-8567 for full details. Mutual of Omaha.

Equal Op-portunity Company MF. WE NEED KEY PEOPLE NOW! 100-5300wk Dttime ooss. S20.000-S50.000 fulltime annual possible. With America's top privately owned company. (Health Nutrition Products).

Start immed. Earn while you Learn. For personal interview, call Mr. Humphrey. Tues.

Thurs only, 1-5PM 362-3034. 601 Trades AUTO BODY MECHANIC PAINTER for onoff repair work in our snop tacnity. ko. Hriy or Contract. Pepa International, Gates.

1-897-3329. ELECTRICIAN Silverton Oregon Sawmill, prefer sawmill exp. Hrly. Wage. Send resume to: John straw, anvenon roresi rroo-ucts.

P.O. Box 217, Silver- ton. OR 97381 or call 1-873-8651. ELECTRONIC reoair techni cian, closed-circuit TV cam eras exp. required, Salem area company, hourly wage.

Send resume and references to Statesman Journal Ad No. 1268, Salem 97309. Expanding printingpublish-ina company seeks help in graphics, typesetting and press aepanmenis. lypesei-ting requires experience with ComDuoraohtc (7700-lh editwriter; Graphics re quires experience layout, darkroom, stripping, strong tech background preferred; Press requires exp. in top quality, close registration work on Kord or similar; ability to operateoversee bindery equipment also desirable.

Applicants for these positions must be willing to relocate on Oregon coast. Send letter stating experience and salary requirements to: Statesman Journal Ad No. 1263, Salem 97309. EXPERIENCED Hair Stylist Must have clientele. Lease or 581-7881, 393-9015 EXP.

weatherization technician wanted, work ref, start immediately, hourly piece rate.362-8605 EXPERIENCED Hair Stylist Must have clientele. Lease 581-7881 393-9015 LINE MECHANIC Permanent employment with benefits. Flat rate pay. Contact Service Manager NEWTEAGUE DODGE 2650 Commercial SE 364-0184 LOOKING FOR A PART TIME JOB? that pays you to learn a skill? Join our OREGON NATIONAL GUARD engineering team as a plumber or electrician while learning a new skill You will have a hioh aying part time job. Ph.

78-53 5 1 or (1-800-452-7500 toll free) for details. MECHANIC Position requires experienced mechanic. Proficient in the use of metal lathe, dniipress, valve machines cutting torches arc weid-ina Extensive exo reauired in the repair replacement of gasoline diesel engines as well as various hydraulic electrical systems used on mooern consirucnon equipment. Ability to straighten repair heavy equipment parts fabrication of replacement or new special attachments tor roao construction equipment Salary per month DOQ. Application available in room 103.

Yamhill uountv oourt house. 5th Evans McMinnville OR 97128 or by calling 1-472-9371 ext. 231 (closed Thur Application deadline: Jan. 24. 1986.

Yamhill County is an Equal upponuntry umpioyer. MECHANIC Transportation Dept knowledge A exp. diesel. propane 4 gasoline Tueiea engines iz mo nr. aay aaiary mioses reu Central School District 1-838-0030 ext 53 605 Resume Services GAIN THE ADVANTAGE With a Resume Tnat Works Lowest prices FREE extra services Phone Anytime EXEC-U-CENTER 370-9696 613 Positions Wanted ESTIMATOR.

Ep in sheet metal, tanks, structural. A Plate fab. Avail, immed red Bowman, Ml -5726 NUTRITIONAL Consultant waster Science Dearee. exo Prevent. Approach 581-3009 616 Employment Agencies PART-TIME BOOKKEEPER 16hour.

12 hswK. professional Office Apply by 10am: Deb'a 561-8906: Acme Personnels Saiem Agency. 441 Union Babysitting RESPONSIBLE mom will care tor your child (0-5) in my apnngiane tsiate-n-keny Hill area home Warm, loving, positive family en-Yjronmnx 585 6Q79. COZY NEST FARM DAYCARE Loving Chrisian home Pre- scnooi activities rvr cm- Chanted CHILDCARE in my NE home. Lots ot TLC ft Activities Wkdys.

Hours flexible (0-4) Reasgnabi. 363-1 672.1' trac WASHINGTON School area, 364-7030; KEIZER AREA 390-7306: 393-1610 ANY DAYCARE in my NE home Ages 1-6 M-F 6am-6pm. Hayeiville area.39Q-564fj CHILDCARE in my home 1-2 children under 6 Fulltime wkdys, excj care 393-8624 601 Professional AAA 1 Local Nat I Overseas RESUMES UP Expert writing typing-editing Cover Letters-Govt 171 SAME DAY SERVICE Professional Resume Service SALEM 370-9005 247 Commercial St NE EUGENE 343-2762 Guaranteed results, VISA ACCOUNTANT Seeking Accounting Professional with cost and general accounting experience in a manufacturing environment Position responsible tor monthly closings, general ledger maintenance, cost and inventory analysis. Position requires Bachelor Degree and minimum one year experience; computer systems background helpful. For immediate consideration, dtrect your resume to: Siltec Corporation, Personnel De- tartment, PO Box 7748.

aiem, OR 97303. An Equal Opportunity Employer. AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE SUPERINTENDENT OREGON STATE FAIR The Oregon State Fair is recruiting for Superintendent of the Agriculture-Horticulture Department for the 1986 Oregon State Fair. Position involves coordinating County and Commodity displays and open-class Agricultural competition. Must have strong management, supervisory and communications skills.

Agricultural background helpful. Hourly wage. Submit resume to Activities Manager, Oregon State Fair. 2330 17th Si. NE, Salem, OR 97310 by February 15.

1986. ASSITANT COUNTY COUNSEL Position requires prior legal exp. local government law with interest administrative, property, contract, municipal, criminal land use law desirable. Must be an active member of the Oregon State Bar able to function effectively under stressful situations. Submit job application, resume cover letter to Personnel.

Salary per month DOE plus periodic increases. Applications available in room 103. Yamhill County Courthouse, 5th Evans. McMinnville OR 97128 or by callmq 1-472-9371 ext. 23 31 (closed Thur.l.

Application deadline: Feb. 14. 1986. Yamhill Countv is an Fnual vpuoriunny employer. ATTORNEY: Aggressive attorney with trial exp.

to join staff of growing nationwide company. Salary. Submit resume to Corporate Counsel. P.O. Box 9039.

Salem, Ore-gon 97305. CPA, full time, individual corp. parternship returns, computer background help- fui. Salary. 585-2688 Stephanie DAYCARE Ass t.

Teacher to work with pre-school children, 2 yrs exp or ECE deg, hriy. 362-7922 for interview DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SERVICES MANAGER Utility Transportation Services City of Corvallis poplutation 42.000. Salary $27,840 annual, exc. benefits. A career development opportunity as a first line manager responsible for supervision direction of the develpment review services work unit within the Utility Transportation Services OeDt.

Duties include leadership development of stan coordination ot activities including reviewing subdivision other land developments or improvements. Inspecting connections, administering flood insurance program coordinating the departments activities with economic community development activities. Requires degree in civil engi neering, urban planning or related field 4 yrs. of progressively responsible experience in municipal engmee-ing or planning: exp. in a supervisory or leadership capacity is desirable.

Well developed communication skills, knowledge of modern principles practices of civil engineering land development ability to work in a team oriented organization are also required Apply by Jan. ji, iseo. aaress in auines. resumes or aDoltca' tion forms to: The City of Corvallis. Utility Transportation Services PO box tubs, uorvams uh 97339-1083 Ph, 757-6941 Equal OpportunityAffirma- live wciion tmpioyer.

ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Maior manufacturer of reac tive refractory metals has an inmediate opening for an electrical engineer. Position requires a registered, pro least 5 vears experience in the design of industrial con- iroi circuiTs ior meianurgi-calchemical processes. This is a staff enqmeennq posi tion in the Plant Engineering Department responsible for new project construction as wen as maimenance suppon Experience with distributed process control and industrial automation is required Must possess the ability to enecTivety supervise aciuai project construction. Exc salary benefits. Qualified applicants should submit resume and salary requirements by January 31.

1986 to Jack Beakey. Teiedyne Wah Chang Albany. PO Box 460. Albany. Ore 97321 an Affirmative ActionEqual Opportunity Employer.

FINANCIAL SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE Established company seeks individual to market financial products and service. Company provides training, office space, salary and benefits Successful candidate should have economicaccounting ability, strong communication skills, entrepreneurial spirit and a college degree, (graduate degree preferred) $1500 to $2000 monthly starting salary. Apply at Mid-Wtiia-mette Jobs Council. Oak Hills Mall, 1495 Edgewater NW. suite 225.

Saiem. between 9 AM and 5 PM. position closes January 20th. EOE, HEADSTART Assistant Teacher for 4 yr old children A substitute assistant classroom teacher pool for ages 3-4 Assist wplanning providing educational services for low income families Includes classroom and home visit teaching, assessment evaluation AACDA ECE or 1 yr experience with educational prescftoof program Sept. to nrd May time $4 10 hr.

resume application required Position closes Jan 22. 5pm Pickup application form at Family Headscarf. 2455 Franzen 581-1152 EOE. Landscaping COMPLETE design const. Retain, wails, barking, lawns, fencing.

mamL 535-6447. J's Landscape New and Redo, pruning, Us iJfeondsd Painting Pressure Washing FINEST QUALITY Interior Exterior. Repaints a specialty. Excel, preparation, pressure washing. sandino Free est Rr rlie.

count 362-8437 Jim. STEVEN WILSON Painting Decorating Lie. Bonded. Insured Senior Citizen dis counts. Winter rates.

362-1070 or Ivan 362-6038. 702 Appliances MAYTAG washdryer, like new $450 Coldspot freezer 31 f. $235 Whirlpool wash rdryer, $250. 370-7690 MAYTAG WASHER $60 MAYTAG winner washer $50 Good cond. 394-2398 Scio Frig S65, Stove $75.

Frzr $100 very qd 3705 NE Silverton mo. ui jr i-iuoa jg ypm WASHER $60. DRYER $75exc cond Tradein OK 3705 NE Silverton Rd. QT 371-4069 WHRILPOOL washer $75; dryer $75, freezer $100. LATE mdl washer, dryer, like new, very clean.

All cycles. $275besi offer. 393-1150. REPAIRS: parts Quality work. Low prices.

Fast ser-vice. Free est, QT. 371-4069. SEAR 17 cuft. chest freez er $100 Hotpoint refrig.

$75. 623-3581 Dallas rRtcZEH $250. Refrig. $195. Both white 17 cuft.

nearly new. 585-8616. EXCELLENT condition, Avocado Frost-Free Ref. $150. 3146 River Rd So.

364-6970 Gaffers Stattler, self-cleaning range vent hood, vanil-la color. $400 393-0633. WARD'S 26 CUft. CHEST FREEZER. 2 yrs.

old. Good shape. $150. 743-2210. I HAUL APPLIANCES AWAY FREE.

Guaranteed repairs for a fee. 393-5854 dir. NEWER model Amana refrig wmany extras. Exc cond $175. 364-4516 FREEZER 16 Whirlpool upright, white, 3yrs old, $200.

399-7006 WASHERS DRYERS all makes, excel, cond. choice $95 each. Ph. 588-2662. PORTABLE GE Dishwasher, exc.

cond. $175. 838-3902 independence Westinghouse washer, heavy duty, 20 lb. capacity, exc. $85.

362-0208 GE WHITE RANGE woptional prill $50. 390-1 430 aft. 4pm GE RANGE. Harvest Gold, $75. Call 581 -2865.

GARAGE, RUMMAGE, FLEA MARKET SALES 703 703 Garage Sales Flea Market BIG RED'S Public Market Sat-Sun. 1935 Silverton Rd NE 362-1252 Dealer tables: Indoor $6 Salem's Friendliest Market PORTLAND RD FLEA MARKET TABLES S7DAY OPEN Sat-Sun. 3060 Prtlnd Rd NE 581-2810 WESTERN WILDLIFE ART SHOW SALE Friday January 24. 1-9pm. Saturday January 25.

9am-9pm. Twenty Northwest Artists. Albany Fairgrounds. Doris Parker 926-4314 "DON'T MISS PICCADILLY" Areas Largest Flea Market THIS SUNDAY 10am-4pm HUNDREDS Of SELLERS THOUSANDS of BUYERS Lane Countv Fairarounds Eugene. Oregon 683-5589 FLEA MARKET.

Polk County Fairgrounds. Sunday, Jan. 19th. PM. Sponsored by Corvallis Coin Club.

Call 1-928-8451. BOOKS. Magazines paper sale. Thousands. Never before offered.

SAT SUN. 21661 Fern Ridge Me-hama. 1-859-2944. SEE YOU JAN 26 SALEM FLEA MARKET STATE FAIRGROUNDS CatlirinJiHaley 393-2897 CASH PAID FOR: Furniture, misc. tools antigues.

also comp. households 364-3810 7 AO Garage Sales North Salem ESTATE SALE Furniture, appliances, everything goes. Friday 9-4; Satur-day8-4; Sunday 9-2. 4935 Elizabeth Keizer. PATIO Sale, power tools, turn, jewelry.

l0-6pm Sat aun. Dtot tNewoerg yr WOMEN'S CLOTHING Size 8. excellent condition. 390-2099 703 Garage Sales South Salem Moving sate. Sat-Sun.

10-4. Vintage furniture, shelves, table, bookcase, bar stools, chairs, desk, dble bed wframe headbd, exercise bike, overstuffed couch, lamps. 25" color TV, kitchen items, everything goes, 371-8928. 395 Harney St. S.

703 Garage Sales NE Salem MOVING SALE. 7 Oak Pool Table, dbl size hide-a-bed. Large desk, 2 desk chairs, large gun case, assorted Mouse plants, jj-ai to Forrest Johnson Estate Sate. 1340 15th Sat-Sun. 9-5 70 yr old Wing Son Piano: Old Clough Warren Organ, collectables.

GARAGE SALE Including Restaurant equip 4095 Sun-nyview NE. RI-SUN. 9-5pm. GARAGE Sale. turn, sm apple, misc.

338 Hawthorne NELSat SunJ 0-5 INDOOR APT SALE LOTS OF MISC ITEMS 4098 Market NE APT. 23. 703 Garage Sales SE Salem MOVING saie. bdrm liv. room furniture, washer, dryer, freezer, misc.

Sun. only. 1075 Electric SE. MULTI FAMILY. Tools, household items, clothes, toys, furniture Sat.

8-4pm Sun.1-4pnv 4080 Bluff SE. 3 FAMILY Garage Sale 1430 Cunningham SE. off Liberty at Sunnyslope Mall. SaL Sun. 10 5 FURNITUREshopauto campingbikesantique Stovemtsc.

8-5. 334 Lori Ave SE GARAGE: Bath cab sink much more 7417 Sunnyside SE- SAT-SUN 9 5 704 Sewing. Arts Crafts Used Sewing Machines Reconditioned Guaranteed 1 yr partslabor 100 to choose from $59 95 up WHITL0CK VACUUM CLINIC i SEWING CENTER 4S Court St. NE. 585-7771 The Oievuu Urn lAQunes thjt all mote who conmcl lor woik on youi residents be reqis trued wilri ihe Builders Board Hegislralion means Hie buiidei nas a bond and insuiance on tne OD site lor youi protection oeloie entering into any agieement toi wot on youi home be certain the builder is regis leied by contacting your local building authorities or the Slate Builders Boaid Room 403 Labor and In itusiiies Building Salem or ca3? 710 Pets, Pel Food Supplies POODLE male larger Toy dark red.

S65. 390-6778 BOATS ft EQUIPMENT 713 710 Boats and I 1J Equipmenl 16' TUNNEL hole hydro with trailer, glass over wood $295. See at 4940 Commercial StU362-93iq 12' ALUMIN'iV Boat W7V2 HP Evtnruo 86 lie. exc. cond $400best offer.

378-1269 aft 5pm or wkends MUST SELL! 16' alum, letsled, OB jet pump, trlr, 18 gal tank, console, best offer 128. 5B5-34B8 Cascade Boat ft Mtr. Serv. 9005 River Rd. N.

393-0600 RENT AJEWBQATMOTQR WANTED: Rubber Raft Usable for outboard motor 371-1850 PRETTY 14' Thompson, trlr. 35HP Merc. Top, $2100. 327-3303 Jefferson 16 FT. Beechcraft, 120 IO, E-Z load trlr.

many extras, exc. $4950. 588-2709. 1984 Slide Right driftboat. woars trlr all new ac-cess.

581-3956 aft 16 fiberglass boat w55 hp motor trailer, complete, ready to go, $400. 585-3599. 14 FT. Gregor, 18 hp. Evinrude, E-Z load 363-1336.

16 ALUMAWEL0 JET SLED. 70 S5500. firm. 1-623-6522. WANTED 18 or 19' Starcrafl bo at363-8806 71 Sporting I Xf Equipmenl ANDERSON'S SPORTING GOODS GUNS BUY.

SELL TRADE NEW USED GUNS COMPLETE GUNSMITHING 364-4400 340 Court NE GUN SHOW FAIRGROUNDS ROSEBURG.ORE JAN. 25-26 9-5: SUN, 9-5 BUY-Sell-Trade 1-673-5616 CENTRALIA. WA. FEB. 1-2 Thompson's Hawkin Black Sowder SO cal.

Never fired 100. Ruger. mini 14 .223 with extras. $150; Ant. Black Powder Percussion approx.

1800 s. $200offer. Good loojg rifle. Dan Wesson 357 Like new. $150.

393-5769. GUNS NewUsed. Buy. Sell. Trade Tandy's Sporting Goods 5105 585-7009 FOOSEBALL Table.

Nice, heavy built, $100: new Sla-zenger X-10 Orantes Tennis racquet $59: new Aria X-7 Cycle helmet, black $79; 585-7196. Loans Buy. Sale, Trade on firearms THE PAWNSHOP 588-2514 3820 Silverton Rd NE METAL DETECTORS New used S50-S500 Te-soro. Fisher. Garrett, Compass.

Bounty Hunter. D. Tex. Whites. 390-2805 WINCHESTER 300 WIN.

Magnum wscope case, custom strap, 2 boxes shells, like new. $325. 363-4669 OLE'S SPORTS CENTER Buy. sell, trade, complete gunsmithing. 390-6691 4470 River Tld.

N. Keizer. HANEL'S GUNS 4570 Martini $140 (2 to choose from); 2 52 Win. $200. $250; Buy, trade, repair.

1-769-5605. LEUPOLD Scope 3 5x10, exc cond. $150. Bushnell zoom binoculars 7-21 power, $75. 623-3808 Dallas Wilson Staff Tour irons, mens 2 thru pitching wedge, putter, exc.

$205. 585-7195 FOR TRADE: Full size Mooted Coyote, value $450. Bear Head, value $75. 362-8255. WANTED: Used lefthanded Goll Clubs.

362-7069 715 Restaurant Groc. Supplies GARAGE SALE Including Restaurant equip. 4095 Sun-nvview NE. FRI-SUN. 9-5pm.

WALK-IN COOLERS. FREEZERS RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT. 581-5257. 716 Bicycles 10 spd Nishiki "PROFESSIONAL" Men bike, all Alloy. New $285 Sell $149; Ladie 3 spd Schwmn Nice $85.

585-7196. PEAUGEOT BICYLCLE 1 year old. (boys) $80. 390-4179 27" SCHWINN 10-spd $75. Real Sharp.

5355 River Rd. Sp. 126. 393-9264 NEW 15 spd. Men bicycle, Firenze.

S150. 1 981-1944. Computers Video Games NW Computer Learning Cntr. Workshops on- Lotus 1-2-3: Symphony; d-BASE III; Word Perfect many other applications. Call for schedule.

36Z-481JL1 825.12th SE SANYO MBC 550-2. MS-DOS Compatible. 256K. DS drives, monitor. Serial Port.

wWordstar, Easywnter. Bookkeeping, Calc-Star more. $1000 354-8703 APPLE II 64k. 80 col, CPM card, Rana drive, Wordstar, turbo pascal, basic, Apple writer, home acet i895offer. 390-6856 Tandy TRS-80 computer, monitor and printer.

Accounting programs. Lotus 1. 2 3 lots of extras. SJSOOJoffer. 362-1040 SOFTWARE UNLIMITED Software previews Monochrome monitors OPEN 7 DAYS WK 363 5958 KAYPRO.

IBM computers ft printers New used. Beitke Business Equip 364-0953 Spectravideo 328 computer ft accessories wToshiba 13 color TV. $300 After 6pm. 399-0690. COMMODORE VIC 20 with keyboard, monitor, paddles, ft toy stick, also incl.

new fomputer tbl $250. 393 1.619.

Statesman Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)
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Article information

Author: Manual Maggio

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Views: 6200

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.