Southern Illinoisan from Carbondale, Illinois (2024)

1 1 Twenty-two SOUTHERN Hospital Notes MARSHALL BROWNING, Du Quoin ADMITTED: Woodside, Mrs. Colleen, Du Quoin Smith, Mrs. Rosamund, Coulterville Palmer, Ray, Du Quoin Bird, Erven, Swanwick Graffin, James Elkville Ramsey, Charles, Mulkeytown Christian, Mrs. Ida Mae, Du Quoin DISCHARGED: Purcell, Mrs. Minnie, town Berry, Mrs.

Agnes, Zeigler Sims, Horace, Du Quoin Pharis, Benjamin, Benton Logsdon, Amon, Pana Manion, Mrs. Della, Du Quoin ST. ANDREW'S, Murphysboro ADMITTED: Chapman, Harry, Tamaroa Kuhlman, Emil, Rt. 2, Ava Broadway, Mrs. Lucille, Rt.

2, Rockwood DISCHARGED: White, Wayne, Rt. 3, Murphysboro Hoppe, Mrs. Laura, Gorham UNION. West Frankfort DISCHARGED: Collier, William, Christopher Irvin, Velmar, Logan UNION COUNTY, Anna ADMITTED: Lingle, Mrs. Lois, Jonesboro DISCHARGED: Nimmo, Weldon, Anna Hileman, Mrs.

Lois, Anna Lesler, Ira, Anna Cox, Ford, Anna Flamm, Mrs. Betsy and son, Carbondale Births Carterville: Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Charles of DeKalb, a daughter, June 12. Mrs.

Davis if the Former Georgia Lee McCain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo McCain of Carterville. Carterville: Duddy, Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas, a son, Wednesday in Herrin Hospital Carterville: Lemmon, Mr. and Mrs. a daughter, Wednesdav at Holden Hospital, Carbondale Elkville: Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Willie.

a son, Wednesday at Marshall Browning Hospital, Du Quoin. Johnston Citv: Kuhnke, Mr. and Mrs. William, a son, Wednesdat in Herrin Hospital Logan: Mangle, Mr. and Mrs.

Eugene, a son, Wednesday, Franklin Hospital, Benton Marion: Angel, Mr. and Mrs. James, a son, Wednesday in Marion Memorial Hospital Thompsonville: Harris, Mr. and Mrs. George, a son, Wednesday in Franklin Hospital in Benton Marriage Licenses Murphysboro: Wilson W.

co*ker, 26, and Donna Sue Cardwell, 17, both of Murphysboro Murphysboro: Robert Thomas, 25, Marion, and Frances E. Willis, 20, Pulaski Southern Illinois Deaths Herrin: Kuehner, John Herman, 67, 508 N. 16th died Tuesdav; funeral 2 p. m. Friday in Storme's Funeral Home where friends may call; burial in East Lawn Memorial Gardens.

Herrin: Austin, Charles, 8 87, died Tuesday; funeral 1 p. m. Fridav in First Methodist Church; burial in Herrin City Cemetery; friends may call at Storme's Funeral Home. Herrin: Laska, Stanley, 65, 812 N. 21st died Wednesday; solemn requiem high mass 9 a.

m. Saturday in St. Mary's Church: burial in St. Carlo Cemetery; friends may call at Johnon Funeral Home where rosary will be recited at 7:15 p. m.

Friday. Marion: Mrs. Margaret A. Rice, 80, died 9 at p. m.

Wednesday at her home, 911 E. College 2 services p. m. Friday in Mitchell Funeral Home where friends may call; burial in Maplewood Cemetery. Sparta: Leary, Nathaniel Jordan, died Tuesday; services Friday at 2:30 p.

m. at Eiker Funeral Home, burial in Caledonia Cemetery. Market East St. Louis Livestock Hogs No 1 and 2 around 210 lb 22.10; most 180- 220 1b 21.50-22.00; 220-250 1b 21.00-75: load 326 1b average 18.50: 170 lb down 50 higher 140-170 1b 19.50-20.50: 100-130 1b 17.50-19.00; sows 25-50 higher; 400 lb down 15.50-17.25, largely 17.00 down; over 400 lb 14.00-15.50; boars 8.50-12.50. Cattle 1,800, calves 700; mostaverage choice around 800 1b mixed 23.00; other, good to average choice heifers and mixed sparingly 21.00-22.75; scattered lots good, some carrying commercial end 20.00-50; most canners and ters 9.50-11.50, most utility cOWS THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1955 -Herrin-Murphysbore Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE "Bids wili be accepted at the Office of the University Architect, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, until 2:30 p.

m. Central Standard Time, August 2, 1955, for construction of Agriculture Building, Greenhouses and Laboratory equipment. Copies of plans, specifications and proposal sheets may be obtained after June 21, 1955 from the Office of the University Architect, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois or the Associate Architects, Perkins Will, 309 West Jackson Chicago, Illinois. Southern Illinois University reserves the right to reject any and all bids fort the work. Hospital Notes COMMUNITY, Pinckneyville ADMITTED: Thomas, Mrs.

Evelyn, Cutler Auld, Ward, Coulterville DISCHARGED: Johnson, Mrs. Herschel and baby, Nashville DOCTORS, Carbondale ADMITTED: Milligan, Mrs. Randall, Carbondale Carter, Mrs. Felix, Christopher Jean, Nellie, Carbondale Green, Opal, Murphysboro Shackford, Mrs. John, Mt.

Vernon, la. DISCHARGED: Sanchez, Pedro, Ozona, Texas Tyler, Sammy, Eldorado Lingle, Gloria, Carterville Gentry, Mrs. Ed, Carbondale Fredman, Mrs. Herbert, Marion Hurst, Mrs. Sod.

De Soto HERRIN ADMITTED: Kee, Mrs. Anna, Johnston City Edwards, Mrs. Victoria, Shaw- neetown Moore, Nellie, Freeman Spur Kuhnke, Mrs. Wilda, Johnston City Mrs. Louella, Carterville Bier, Joseph, Marion DISCHARGED: Frey, Mrs.

Mary, Herrin Hunter, Mrs. Leona, Carterville Travis, Mrs. Opal, Johnston City Darsckiewicz, Paul, Herrin Jackson, Brent, Marion Riley, Thad, Sesser HOLDEN, Carbondale ADMITTED: Hopper, Frank, Carbondale Burke, Mrs. Jean, Carbondale DISCHARGED: Watkins, Mrs. Paul, Carterville Gutherie, Rov, Cobden Gulley, Mrs.

Ethel, Marion Tripp, Miss Betty, Makanda MEMORIAL, Marion ADMITTED: Beasly, Carol, Creal Springs Wohlwend, Mildred, Mar- ion Deaton, Mrs. Lois, Marion Tavlor, Walter, Creal Springs Perrine, Oscar, Goreville McCabe, Deanna, Marion Doron, Mrs. Lela, Creal Springs DSICHARGED: Johnson, Mrs. Maizie, Marion DeFrank, Mrs. Frances, Marion Randolph, Charles, Marion Burkes, Mrs.

Lois, Marion English, Mrs. Pauline, Vienna Russell, Mrs. Anna, Marion Brush, Harley Marion Billingsly, Mrs. Pauline and baby, Goreville MINERS, Christopher ADMITTED: Moore, Fount, Zeigler Sneddon, Mrs. Uneeda, Christopher Thery, Mrs.

Marguerite, Coello Baumgarte, Mrs. Ella, Mulkeytown DISCHARGED: Clutts, Mrs. Francine and baby, Rovalton Uhls, Mrs. Viola, Mulkeytown FRANKLIN, Benton ADMITTED: Harris, Mrs. Barbara, Thompson- ville Neal, Mrs.

Benton Allie, Haggard, Mrs. Reba, Zeigler Winn, Thomas, Benton Davis, Mrs. Nell, Benton Barker, Mrs. Janie, Benton Dobrill, Mrs. Lena, Royalton Peebles, Kenneth.

West Frankfort Johnson, Mrs. Darlene, West Frankfort Hudson, Mrs. Ola, Benton Mrs. Clara, Benton DISCHARGED: Dewar, Eileen Stevison, John Stockton, Ralph Chaplain, Hazel Cunningham, Ollie Weather, Lila Adams, Billy Neal, Allie Threskeld, Ruth Cook Highway Bonds Worry Downstaters By O. T.

Banton Of The Southern Illinoisan Springfield, June 15 A Cook County expressway bonds bill is beginning to cause concern among Downstate legislators and others interested in programs. The bill, introduced in the House May 3, would permit the Cook County board to issue 245 million dollars in expressway bonds, without referendum. Approved by the House Committee on Municipalities, the bill now on the clogged House calendar on first reading. Downstaters concerned over the are not trying to keep Chicago from getting ahead with its expressways program, on which already has spent many millions and the state additional millions. The fear is that servicing these bonds may make it difficult for state to match federal aid funds highways on the scale now in prospect.

Under the Eisenhower bill now before Congress, Illinois would need to provide 29.2 million dola year to match federal aid for highway construction. Under the Democrats' bill authored by Sen. Gore of Tennessee, Illinois would need to provide 47.5 millions in matching funds. This vear the state had 51 million dollars from its own tax sources for highway construction. In the last vear or two the state been alloting about 20 million dollars a year for use on the Chicago and Cook County expressways.

Practically all of this has 12.00 13.50; moderate number commercial grade 14.00 50, casionally higher; utility and commercial bulls 13.50-15.00; vealers, good and choice, 18.00-22.00; high choice and prime 22.00- 24.00, top 24.00; commercial and good vealers 14.00-18.00; cull and utility 8.00-13.00. been taken from federal aid funds, since the expressway routes for the most part qualify for federal aid. Interest at 4 per cent on the 245 million dollars, if the bonds are to be sold in a single issue, would be around 10 millions a year at the start. If the board follows the example of the Illinois Toll Roads Commission, it will sell the bonds i in one batch rather than as the money is needed for the projects. Federal aid money can be used in paying principal on such bonds, but not on payment of interest.

Daniel Ryan, president of the Board of Cook County Commissions, reportedly has contemplated using the 20 millions that county gets from the state annually to pay interest and principal on the bonds. If this is done, the state will have to use about 10 millions in federal aid money and 20 millions in state highway revenue henceit forth in its aid on the Cook County and Chicago expressways program. Drains on the state's 51 lions a year would add up in this manner: Cook Co. Exp Bonds 10 millions Non fed. aid hy.

consts. 7.50 millions Right-of-way buying 10 millions Total 27.5 This amount, subtracted from 51 millions, leaves 23.5 millions, or 5.7 millions less than the 29.2 millions that would be needed for matching purposes under the Eisenhower highway bill. While the Gore bill formula has been modified and if eventually adopted may be charged again, the amount Illinois would need in matching funds under it is still unknown. Indications are it would be well i in excess of that necessary under the President's program, which would make Illinois' matching problem an impossible one. Bills now before the Legislature, including the one to add 100 oc- men to the state police force, will take an additional millions a vear from state highway funds.

This would cut them down, if state instead of Cook County money is to be used on the proposed expressway bonds, to about 20 million a vear. STANLEY LASKA DIES Funeral Rites Saturday For Herrin Retired Miner A solemn requirem high mass for Stanley Laska, 65, 812 N. 21st Herrin, will be held 9 a. m. Saturday in St.

Mary's Church. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Robert DeGasperi, the Rev.

Charles. Kribs, and the Rev. Bernard Mongan of Marion will officiate. The rosary will be recited at 7:15 p. m.

Friday in Johnson's Funeral home where friends may call. Burial will be in St. Carlo Cemetery. A coroner's jury said Laska's death was due to coronary thrombosis. He died at 8 a.

m. Wednesday at his home. Laska was born in Plewki, Poland, Nov. 23, 1889, and had been a resident of Herrin 43 years. He was married to Mary Cherepska in Herrin, Sept.

13, 1914. A retired miner, he was a member of Polish National Alliance of Johnston City, local Union No. 8317, UMWA, and St. Mary's Church. He leaves his wife: two sons, Henry and Joe of Chicago; two grandchildren; a brother, Walter, of Poland, two sisters, Mrs.

Sophie Sipulewski of Chicago and Lillian of Poland. HERRIN MAN DIES John Herman Kuehner Was Bell And Zoller Engineer Funeral services for John HerKuehner, 76, 508 N. 16th man Herrin, will be at 2 p. m. Friday in Storme's Funeral Home with the Rev.

Ray Rist officiating. Burial will be in East Lawn Memorial Gardens. Friends may call at the Funeral Home. Kuehner, design engineer for the Bell and Zoller Coal died Tuesday in Herrin Hospital where he had been a patient six days. He was born July 10, 1887, in Minnesota.

His first wife, Elsie Paul Kuehner, died Feb. 1 15, 1921. He was married to Martha Borchert, June 6, 1922. Kuehner was a member of the Herrin Lutheran Church. He leaves his wife; a son, Or- Bill and Gene's Mkt.

11 N. 11th St. Phone 206 Murphysboro LIPTON'S Remember TEA You can save up to $50.00 a year extra Groceries if lb. pkg. 'on your you save the pink cash register tapes from BILL AND GENE'S MKT.

HARTEX BRAND Pineapple Juice 45 Can oz. Joyful Brand Tom-Boy Brand Giant Size Coffee lb. Flour 5 LA. Bag Tide pkg. 71c Mrs.

Tucker's Lb. Vegetable With Pure Can Shortening 3. Coupon! GREEN RIVER BRAND Soda Water 24 Deposit Case Plus Bottle Peter Pan Brand Donald Duck Brand Peanut Butter 18 oz. jar 57c Tomato Juice 46 oz. can 25c Lake View Brand Sliced TENDERATED PICNIC Bacon 3 Lb.

$100 HAMS Polish Mayrose Spiced LB. Sausage lb. 59c Ham lb 39c Graded SIRLOIN U. S. Choice STEAK lb.

79c NO. 1 Blue Bell Wieners 3 La. $100 HARRISON WATER BOARD TO MEET TONIGHT The Board of Trustees of the newly-organized Harrison Water District is to hear reports tonight from the Board's attorney on final details of the District's $175,000 bond issue. Board members also will discuss plans for water installation procedures to be followed when contractor Robert Springs of Johnston City begins laying water lines into the District. When completed, the lines are to carry water to 213 users in the District's territory north of Murphysboro.

Construction of the water system experted, to begin about July 1, is to be financed by 32- year revenue bonds which have been sold to a Chicago Water will be provided by the Murphysboro Water Co. at commercial rates, ville, of Herrin; three daughters, Mrs. Beulah Henderson of Herrin, Mrs. Naomi Banker of Fairfield and Miss Natalie Kuehner at home; five grandchildren; a brother, the Rev. C.

W. A. Kuehner of Winthrop, and two sisters, Mrs. Emma Bursch of Alexandria, and Mrs. Augusta Franke of Gaylord, Minn.

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Southern Illinoisan from Carbondale, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.