Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 1245 - (2024)

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Episode 1246

The atmosphere of Thunder City was heated up.

“87th Libby Marvella! Here we go!”

Simon, Lord of Thunder, sat on his throne and addressed all the second-year students.

The second-years had the numerical advantage, but Simon had the skeleton’s manpower control at a high level, excellent fighting skills, and a variety of countermeasures based on his experience, so it wasn’t easy to attack them.


Libby Marvella, ranked 87th, attempted to use the ‘Self-Destruct Curse’ but was detected by Simon and knocked out.

“15th place Daruk Skarl! Greetings!”


Next challenger.

Daruk Scar, transformed into a monster gorilla, swung his arms at Simon, who was sitting on the throne.


But then Simon’s body suddenly disappeared.

When Daruk looked up in confusion, Simon was floating into the sky with his throne.

[Hey, how is this?]

After placing a curse on the throne to lower its weight, he lifted the throne up using his Bone Armor.

At Simon’s gesture, the weight curse on the throne was lifted, and the throne crushed Daruk Skaar.


Daruk was eliminated as his transformation was undone and he was teleported out of the testing area.

The second-year students who were watching broke out in a cold sweat.


“It’s hard to just sit there and watch someone!”

Freedom of thought.

The second-year students were fiercely attacking Simon, the Lord of Thunder, by cutting every second off of the black magic injection time, but they were not having much success.

It was based on psychological warfare. Simon was not obsessed with the throne, but the second-years, with their necromancer instincts, studied how to attack the opponent sitting on the throne, and Simon always had the upper hand in utilizing such psychological warfare.

The difference comes from the overwhelming quality of the experience.

He had defeated five saviors who were difficult to encounter even once in a lifetime, and had even crossed dimensions and time. Simon was now showing signs of maturity as a necromancer, even though he was only 19 years old.


At that moment, Simon’s eyes widened, and for the first time, he flew towards the side of the throne without using defensive magic.


A blurry, dark green jet-black blast flew in and shattered the throne into pieces. Simon barely managed to avoid it and raised his head to stare straight ahead.

<Summon Ghost – Rashivar>

Third place overall, Princess Molly has finally stepped forward.

Behind her, black smoke billowed, and in the smoke stood a giant spirit-like spectre holding a bow. Molly, who seemed exhausted from casting her necromancy spell in a hurry, gasped for breath.

“I finally got you off the throne, Senior.”

She said it as if she had hit me in the head.

Simon clapped his hands with a smiling face.


At that signal, a bolt of chaos came flying through the window and struck the phantom Rashivar.

The spirit-made Lasivar was hit by chaos and disappeared in agony. Molly, panicked, quickly reached out her hand towards Lasivar.


The price of losing sight of Simon was high.

Before she knew it, he was approaching her with pitch-black explosions on both legs, and was swinging his palm at her side.

Molly quickly cast ‘Spiritualization’ to retreat and avoid the crisis.

‘To think that the one-time soul transformation could be consumed so easily!’

Molly stared ahead with a puzzled expression. She saw Simon, who had waved his palm, slowly relax his posture and look at her as she walked away.

He was someone I always respected and admired, but meeting him as an enemy was so scary. A chill ran through my body.

‘Let’s focus. We’ll counterattack as soon as the spirit form wears off!’

But the moment her body, which had been blurred by the spirit transformation, regained its physical strength.




From the beginning, the skeleton’s bone armor was spread out and waiting in the direction Molly was retreating.

The bones in her arms were forcibly pulled back and turned into handcuffs, and she fell to the floor with a whoosh, her arms bound.

‘You sent me this way on purpose!’

Simon’s movements were not meaningless.

Simon then created a Spear of Chaos to finish her off and hurled it at her.

“What are you doing!”

Immediately, Luersman, ranked 5th overall, rushed forward, hugged Molly, and flew. A purple lightning bolt hit the ground with a bang!

“If you fail here, you will never pass this test!”

“Oh, thank you! Just Lures!”

However, as if he had not evaded properly, Luersman also fell to the ground in a heap. Sparks of chaos were flying out from his legs.

Simon is walking towards them slowly.


A huge tree came swinging like a whip. Simon quickly stepped to the side to avoid it.

‘You’re here.’

Simon laughed to himself.

It was the strongest attack of the second year, Sasha.


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Tree trunks and branches extending out in such a way that even the structures built with extreme durability by the test organizers could not withstand them.

And in the middle of it.

Sasha was rising, spreading her prism-colored wings behind her, as if a chrysalis were transforming into a butterfly.

Above all, behind her stood the largest tree of all, and Simon could tell what it was.

‘World Tree!’

Sasha must have had several bad memories of that World Tree.

But she chose to overcome her past pain and grow to become stronger.

“Hehehe, Simon oppa.”

She continued, staring at Simon with gleaming pupils.

“Let’s dance together.”


As she gestured, countless tree trunks poured down.

The tree trunk approaches like a snake, with overwhelming speed and pressure that cannot even be compared to the man-eating plants that were used at first.

‘Hurry up!’

Simon had to respond by using ‘Pitch Black Body Eruption’. This tree even had fruits, and the fruits exploded like a pitch black flame.

A fierce purple spark shoots between the tree trunk he’s trying to grab and Simon who’s running away.


At that moment, Simon, who was running away, turned his head. Suddenly, the leaves hanging from the ceiling began to fall, revealing Sasha sitting upside down with both feet on the branch.

“Brother Simon!”


She lunged at him with a beastly stride. Simon immediately threw a kick, and she flapped her butterfly wings, slightly changed direction in the air, and then threw a kick.

The two legs collided and a fierce wave erupted with a “swoosh!”



Meanwhile, Simon and Sasha lock eyes.

Sasha boldly landed in front of Simon and continued the close combat.

Thud! Thud! Taa!

Sasha was also at the level of Matudo. Simone, who blocked each and every attack she poured out with his palm, spun his body around and delivered a powerful roundhouse kick.


Sasha dodged it by jumping up.

A gap that naturally arises between two people.

A distance had opened up between the two that was too dangerous to cast a magic circle and too vague to use magic.

Without saying who would go first, Simon and Sasha took up the pose of snapping their fingers at each other.

<Simon Original – Wave>

<Sasha Remake – Storm>


As the two snapped their fingers, the gusts of wind struck the center. Simon smiled, showing his teeth.

‘My original!’

“I continued to study while looking at the Memorial Crystal Ball records!”


Sasha, who had stepped back, ran along the tree trunk. Simon also started running after her.

Their next attack was against each other. Sasha threw down a branch with leaves, and Simon brought the bones of the nearby skeletons.

<Bone Nail Application – Nanjang>


The bones that had been subjected to gravity swirled and flew towards Sasha.

<Sasha Remake – Chaos>

As countless leaves fell from the trees, the leaves recreated a ‘chaos’. The bones and reinforced leaves clashed fiercely against each other.


Simon was a little touched.

But this is a test.

I pull myself together again and run towards him, closing the distance between me and Sasha.

<Chaos Spear>



Simon was now half-serious.

A state that he had recently reached after losing his memory. Simon began to pour out super-accelerated chaos magic. In response, tree trunks sprouted densely to protect Sasha, forming a wall.



Chaos is impossible to avoid properly. Chaos, moving in a strange trajectory, escaped through a very small gap in the tree trunk and hit Sasha’s body directly. Sasha fell from the tree with an “Aww!” sound.


Sasha came down to the Thunder Castle floor with difficulty.


Simon landed lightly on the floor.

“Haa! Haa! Haa!”

The sight of someone struggling while holding their chest, perhaps the ‘World Tree’ is a technique that cannot be maintained for long.

Simon said calmly.

[It is arrogant to try to defeat me alone.]


[Write a colleague.]

First memory.


As soon as he finished speaking, Arthur and Molly grabbed Sasha’s shoulders, who was panting on either side. Sasha looked at Arthur with a smirk.

“Fool King! What about Death Knight?”

“… … Other motives are sacrificing themselves and taking their place. I got out in the meantime.”

Sasha turned her head to the other side.

“Princess. You’re good at hiding like a coward whenever you lose your temper. Is that okay?”

“Who, who said you were hiding your body! How much time do you have left?”

Sasha let out a huff and straightened her back.

“3 minutes.”

“That’s enough! Let’s make it a showdown this time!”

All three of them lowered their postures simultaneously.

Simon responded by folding his arms and smiling contentedly at his juniors.

‘I guess Kizen won’t be a problem even after I graduate.’


Phage crackle!

Simon’s blood began to boil. Purple sparks kept flying throughout his body.

It was a name that was truly worthy of being called the Lord of Thunder.

[Show me everything you have.] * * *


Meanwhile, the administrators administering the exam were in chaos.

All the teaching assistants and staff members who were supposed to be monitoring the students gathered to watch Simon’s battle.

“It’s high quality!”

“There is certainly something heart-warming about Simon’s battles.”

“Ha, it’s so refreshing to see the kids’ point-scoring antics.”

The area around the Mana Screen was so crowded that there was no room to stand.

Meyrin, who had been crouching and watching the mana screen from the beginning, looked around for a moment, feeling proud of herself.

“What are you all doing!”

At that moment, when a loud shout was heard, the teaching assistants and staff members began to slowly look around and return to their seats.

Phil, the second-year professor, showed up.

“The test isn’t over yet! Go back to your seats!”

“Yes, yes!”

The staff members who had gathered around withdrew one by one, and Mayrin looked at her with eyes that seemed to indicate that something was not right.

‘Huh, that professor wants Simon to lose, right?’

As she expected.

Professor Phil, who was staring at the mana screen, was biting his fingernails and trembling. Meyrin looked at the mana screen again, thinking that something was delicious.

‘Simon won’t do what you think.’ * * *

The three musketeers locked eyes, and Sasha slammed the floor hard with her palm.

<World Tree Runaway>


Movement begins. The floor begins to boil like a hot pot, and finally the giant trees rise up.

The Thunder Castle can’t hold out like this. Simon, who predicted that the ceiling would collapse, immediately stepped on the tree and flew up.



The judgment was correct. The trees with their transcendent growth speed are now continuously rising, even breaking the ceiling of Thunder Castle.

Simon looked up as he emerged from the Thunder Castle, climbing an ever-growing tree.

At the same time that you feel a cool breeze blowing outside, thunder and lightning are striking from the dark clouds just above.

And the one chasing Simon is Arthur Blemann, ranked second overall.

“Please give me a hand!”

With his superior physical abilities, he was stepping on the tree and closing the distance towards Simon.

Simon also thought that a duel with Arthur was not a good idea, so he summoned the Spear of Chaos in both hands and swung them in succession.



Even though chaos was pouring down, Arthur did not stop. At the end, he was hit by five shots of chaos at the same time, but he endured it with his transcendent physical and mental strength and succeeded in breaking through.


He threw his sword, forcing Simon into a defensive stance, then brought both feet together and kicked Simon in the stomach.


Simon barely managed to raise his arm to block the kick, but the force of the kick sent him flying into the air. And above him, Molly’s command magic was already being prepared.

<Summon Commander – Landrar>


A dark curtain, like a circus tent, forms the roof.

It was a magical spell that trapped the opponent while weakening their senses.

“Sasha! Arthur!”

Molly, climbing onto the rising tree trunk, screamed at the top of her lungs.

“Now is the time!”



The branches of the World Tree extend out and connect to the curtain of darkness, creating a wall.

<Public Sword – Defense Line>


Arthur swung his serpentine blade, one of the many swords he held, and spread it out wide around Simon. Each blade formed a blocking magic circle.

Left, right, back. There is no escape.

The only direction Simon can move is straight ahead.


<Sasha Original – Luminous Bloom>

Sasha appears in front of them. Her abdomen blooms like a flower bud, and her body itself transforms into a kind of large flower. A dazzling light ripples from the center of the flower that rises above her.


All the mana and darkness in the atmosphere is seen being sucked into her.

Simon grins.

[It’s a great collaboration.]

A light so intense that it is impossible to see the surroundings.

As the Three Musketeers drive back the powerful Thunder Lord, the second-year students who were being knocked down by the Death Knight below cheer.

[Okay, then.]

Simon was also moved to respond properly. He sent his arm upward.

[Let’s play properly.]

<Simon Original – Summon Chaos Reaper>


A giant purple scythe tore through Molly’s circus tent and burst inside.

What appeared was a commander created with chaos magic, Chaos Reaper.

Simon lowered his arm, which was raised above his head. The Ripper’s body immediately turned purple, and all the chaos spears that had been there so far shot up into the air and were sucked into the Ripper’s body.

Just as the green light Sasha was about to fire reached its maximum, a purple light exploded one step ahead.

<Simon Original – Chaos Rush>


Hwaaaa …

The two forces collide and a huge roar erupts.

Neither the people watching from the front nor those watching through the screen provided by the Observer Artifact could understand what had happened or what the outcome was because of the glare.

There was just light.

After that, the World Tree collapsed, and countless branches and leaves fell like snow on the shattered Thunder Castle.

No one watching the overwhelming sight could close their mouths.



Simon was the first to come down, his blue hair fluttering, his feet firmly planted on the floor.

He raised his head, pretending to clap his hands as he sat up.

[Okay, this is getting fun! It’s just getting started!]

Beep beep beep!

Simon was startled by a loud noise that shook his eardrums and turned his head around.


no way.

Simon’s head tilted upwards, creaking uneasily. A new letter was written in the sky, rippling with mana.


[Time remaining – 00:08:35]

[Number of survivors: 0/315]

-The entire 330th unit was defeated by the Thunder Lord.

-Thunder City has not been conquered.


The corners of Simon’s mouth trembled.

His gaze took in the sight of Sasha and Arthur falling from the sky, unconscious.

In this rule, ‘fainting’ means ‘elimination’.

‘… … I had an accident.’

The Thunder Lord annihilated the challengers.

Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 1244Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 1246

Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 1245 - (1)Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 1245 - (2)

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Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 1245 - (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.