Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (2024)

Upon starting a new game, you'll have to choose a difficulty; for your first playthrough it's not important what you choose as you can still game 100% in-game completion with any of the difficulties. If you have previously played Yakuza 0, you'll receive the Dragon God Amulet item (which I suggest you equip in your inventory as soon as you can).

CHAPTER I - October 1st, 1995: Fate of a Kinslayer

As soon as the starting cutscene ends, you'll find yourself in Tenkaichi Street with Shinji. The pink marker on your map indicates your destination. You can either stick with Shinji and walk with him by holding Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (1) as the game prompts you to or you can simply rush to the pink marker. Once you get there, you'll be in the Loanshark's office, for your tutorial fight. The game is going to tutor you into this fight, so simply follow the on-screen instructions to beat these goons. Here you'll unlock:

  • When You Don't Pay Your Debts...

    Collected the money owed.

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Once you're done, you'll be prompted to go to Serena Bar (marked as blue in the map). Upon reaching the alley, you'll run into a yakuza guy that you'll have to beat up. Afterwards, a pretty interesting cutscene will start. Once the cutscene ends, go up the back stairs and enter the door by pressing Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (6). A cutscene will follow.

Once the cutscene ends, you'll return in control of Kiryu. You'll have to head for Le Marche, one of the shops south east of the map. Enter the shop buy the Engraved Platinum Ring. Now leave and head back west. You'll get pickpocketed along the way, so you'll have to head north afterwards where another guy who was pickpocketed will stop you and talk to you. You'll have to turn left and then right into the small backlot (the one where Bacchus was in Yakuza 0 with the shrink wrapped magazines vending machine ;) ) and you'll find the thief hiding in a pretty obvious spot, behind a vending machine.

He is going to run off again, so keep heading west, then take a turn north and then west again on Suppon St. to find him hiding behind a sign on the northern side of the street.

Now you have to fight the Shifty-Eyed Man. Once you beat him, head to Ebisu Pawn, marked on the map. You'll enter the purchase menu but you still won't be able to buy the ring. Head back outside and walk to the east to run into Shinji. He'll lend you some cash (which you'll never pay him back btw) and you'll be prompted to return inside of the Pawn Shop. You still won't be able to buy the ring, though. So once the clerk tells you that he won't sell it to you, you'll have to go out again and head to the west to run into Shinji again, then head back into the store to collect the ring. Once you get it back, a cutscene starts. You'll then have to head across the street to the Kazama Family Office. After this cutscene, you'll have to head north towards Theater Square. Here you'll meet up with the guys from Peace Finance again (the loan shark). Once you beat them up, enter the building. After the series of cutscenes ends, you'll find yourself surrounded in combat. Defeating the enemies shouldn't be too hard, and afterwards you'll complete the chapter and earn:

  • Things Will Never Be the Same

    Completed chapter 1.

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CHAPTER II - December 5th, 2005: Ten Years Gone

You'll run into Majima-san and regain control of Kiryu by the chapter's start. Fight him but bare in mind that you have to lose this fight because you're underpowered (you're forced to lose by the game). You'll notice that Kiryu has lost strength; that means you'll have to level him up with exp to regain the lost power. Majima will inform you that from now on he'll basically start stalking you all day looking to fight you. This marks the beginning of Majima Everywhere. I suggest you take a fight with him whenever you can: he gives you great amount of exp which benefits you greatly during the gameplay and he is not so hard to beat. I suggest you upgrade Kiryu's moves as soon as you can. As of now you have to prioritize unlocking these three moves: "Essence of Extreme Brawler", "Essence of Extreme Rush" and "Essence of Extreme Beast". They'll come in handy during boss fights that otherwise will last an eternity (I'll give you more details in regard to this at the end of the chapter, during the last boss fight).

I suggest you head to the nearby Poppo (the yellow shop in the map) and get yourself some Toughness Z's as healing consumables.

Continue north and you'll run into "Punk-ass Abe", who is the guy in the grey suit. He is going to fight you no matter what you tell him. Beat him down with whatever style you wish, but make sure you find time to practice with all four. Once he's down he'll tell you that the best informant in town is Aoki in Theater Square. Head there and you'll see him standing in the middle of the square. Ask him everything. You'll learn afterwards that Stardust is on Tenkaichi St. (where you started the chapter). Go back south. You might run into a substory as you roam around; take your time and finish it, it will always do you good. Head back south and at the door of Stardust you'll meet Yuya, the host. As you fight him, you'll notice he gets a blue aura and goes into a "tired" stance. If you unlocked the Essence of Extreme Brawler ability, you can use the Kiwami move against him (but only when using the blue style - brawler), otherwise just keep hitting him to lower his health as much as you can. Inside the club you'll have to face a group of yakuza. This is fight might not be easy but if you bought healing items as I told you before you don't have to worry about a thing. Brawler and Beast styles work good here. The leader of the enemies will have a purple aura for the Essence of Extreme Rush ability, but you probably won't have it yet.

Once you finish the fight, you'll be reunited with Shinji. Here, you can talk to him and he'll take you to the next are. I suggest getting more health items if you need, otherwise just talk to Shinji to end the chapter. This will yield you:

  • Turmoil In the Tojo Clan

    Completed chapter 2.

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CHAPTER III - Funeral of Fists

Once you arrive at the funeral a "stealth" part begins. Yes, this is the same building from Yakuza 0. Now you just have to walk/run around avoiding the guards' line of sight (which is visible on the minimap). If you get caught by the guards you'll restart from the starting point. Avoid talking to the people at the funeral as well, it's a risk and they don't offer anything interesting to you. So just run towards the stairs in the front but always keep huggin the right wall. Take a right and carefully avoid the guard on the left. The one guy blocking the way will tell you that you'll need a mourning band, so now your task becomes to get in possession of one. Head left up the stairs and towards the tents. Speak to the man in the east-side tent and he'll take your name. Now carefully select the following options, not doing so will result in a RESTART from the starting point: select "Use a Fake Name" and then "Former Dojima Family". You can now enter the main door. Once inside, speak to the guy ahead and to the right, you'll learn that he dropped his mourning band. Head back outside and turn right to find two guys chatting. There will be a white sparking icon on the ground. Get on top of it and press Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (18) to retrieve the mourning band. The same guy will find you and take the mourning band from you. Head back inside and go left. You'll learn that the guy gets fired. Head back outside and turn back right where you found the mourning band and you'll see the same guy again. Approach him and he'll tell you he threw the mourning band in the garbage bin. Head behind the sign-in tent and you'll find a small trash basket with a sparkly and you'll get the mourning band. Head back to the guy blocking the way and he'll let you through, but... now you'll have to fight a guy from the Omi Alliance. The ability Essence of Extreme Beast is useful here.

Once you beat him, go inside and speak to Shinji. You'll need to enter the building and follow the path. You'll meet the Weapon Shop at some point. You can buy useful stuff here, if you want to. It's not necessary of course, and nothing is missable, so don't worry too much about it. Continue to follow Shinji to a side room and enter. Here you'll have to use first-person view to look at the five portraits on the wall. Press Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (19) to use first-person view. Make sure you press the Confirm button once they zoom in to "Look". Once you look at each of the portraits, a cutscene will start.

Now things get heated up. Beast Style is good for the first fight in the room. You'll end up in the main garden, where you'll face a bunch of relatively weak guys. If you need some help, head to the right and you'll find a Toughness ZZ and a Wooden Katana (near the shed to the southwest). Head further towards the pond to find a guy who can throw knives, I suggest you take him out first because he can be annoying. Two others are on the far side of the pond. Once they're all down, a few more enemies join the battle, including two more knife throwers and a bunch of guys with weapons. Head through the walls they busted through to find some more items, and head to the right to find another exit. As you approach the door, you'll fight a heavy enemy. There's a Toughness Emperor in the northwest corner of the garden, a Toughness ZZ in the longhouse, and a Staminan XX behind the boxes near the exit door if you need it. Defeat the heavy guy to head to the back entrance area you were at near the beginning of this chapter. You can't leave by the normal side entrance, so head to the metal door on the wall, but not before grabbing another Staminan XX near the south door.

You'll make your way inside once again. Batter your way through the thugs, making your way through the viewing room and out the other side. Make sure you keep an eye open for items, because they are liberally sprinkled throughout. Follow the objective marker towards the hallway, up the stairs, and back around to the main entrance. When you finish off the guys down here, make your way to the exit, only to be interrupted by a sharp dressed Majima. Don't worry tho, he's not hard to defeat. Once outside, defeat the large group of enemies. I always suggest Beast style for big packs of enemies. Now comes Shimano, the first real boss of the game.. He has two health bars and for those that played Yakuza 0, he has exactly the same moveset as Mr. Shakedown, only difference is the damage (he is not going to take you down with two hits lol). Rush is good here, Brawler could work too, Beast is definitely too slow but you can use it with the lanterns and swing them at him. Shimano will glow purple for the Kiwami move so Rush is definitely your best bet. He's not difficult at all, but he is really tanky and it's going to take you a solid ten minutes probably (just an estimate, I didn't check the time when I beat him the firs time). Defeating him will trigger a cutscene (who would have told?). A familiar figure will be visible during the last cutscene. The chapter is going to end, you'll receive:

  • Funeral For the Old Ways

    Completed chapter 3.

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CHAPTER IV - An Encounter

You'll be at bar Bacchus at the start of the chapter. Your next objective is to head to Serena.

The game properly starts from now: most of the substories are available (some are locked behind game completion though), you can find locker keys around the map, you can play minigames (I still suggest you do this properly at the end of your playthrough), you can unlock the MesuKing arcade game (at the Sega Arcade Center in Nakamichi Street) and start finding the cards around the city, you can go to Cabaret Clubs and Majima Everywhere is fully unlocked and you're able to rank up to Rank C before needing to continue with the main story. Whether you complete secondary stuff right now or later is up to you.

Head inside Serena through main entrance for some conversation. Your new objective will be to head back to Bacchus. Upon entering you will meet a fundamental question:

Why is the pistol that big?

Anyway, go outside with Haruka and go south. You'll meet a really sad scene. This should fuel you up with gamer energy: it's time to beat up the abusers. Beast stile works good here because there are lots of enemies. Now it's time to go for groceries: you'll need to get Dog Food, Mineral Water and a Paper Plate. I'll spare you time and have you buy everything in one run: head to Poppo on Nakamichi St. and buy Dog Food and Mineral Water. Now, go to Don Quijote (south) and get a Paper Plate. Return to the girl and the puppy (it's not marked but it's east of the millenium tower on the map). Now you need to get Haruka to Serena. Depending on the route you take you'll get in one or two fights, nothing hard. Once you reach Serena, you'll get Haruka on her feet again and she'll be ready to head to the bar Ares. Agree to go with her, then follow her all the way to the tower. On the way you'll get stopped by a police officer. Respond however you wish. Once inside, follow Haruka to the elevator. Once at the bar, follow Haruka to the picture of Mizuki. After the cutscene a fight will start: Brawler or Rush work well here. Beast can be used with the sofas too. He's going to glow yellow so use the Kiwami move with Beast Style. Defeating him marks the end of the chapter, you will receive:

  • Mother and Child

    Completed chapter 4.

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CHAPTER V - Purgatory

Speak to Date in order to get your new task for this chapter. He'll tell you to find the legendary information broker. Go to West Park, north east corner of the map. You'll most likely run into 1 or 2 substories going there. Nothing holds you back from completing them. The entrance to West Park is by the bathroom. A cutscene will play and you will enter. Yes, this is the same area from Yakuza 0. On the north eastern side of West Park there is the Weapon Shop guy; he sells you a couple of MesuKing cards and some important Pocket Circuit items, you can buy them now or later, just remember this guy because you'll need him. Run to the western side of the Park now, to the underground stairway. You'll unlock a new area! Here there are two important places: the Coliseum and the Casino. The game will lead you now, you'll have a few conversations with the Florist and he'll tell you that you'll receive intel if you fight in the coliseum. The only rule is that you can't use gear, weapons and accessories, and you can't heal during the fights (although if you win a fight you will automatically heal a percentage of your health). So remember to go to your inventory and press Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (29) to remove Weapons, Gear and Accessories. Once you do, you'll be allowed inside to fight in the coliseum. You'll face three opponents: Big Show, G. Pramuk and Gary BUSTER Holmes. Ok, for Big Show (he's Daniel Feldman in-game but we all know is real identity :) ) it's really an easy fight, he's predictable. You can use Brawler or Rush here. Pramuk is faster than Feldman so you'll have to use Rush, and the final match is with Buster Holmes, again nothing too hard use Brawler or Rush and you'll make it without too much effort.

A cutscene will play and you'll get a new task at the end. Remember to re-equip your gear! Head to the entrance of West Park and defeat the hobos beating up Date-san. Head for the batting center afterwards, for a legendary scene with Majima. Remember to get healing items before this fight! This fight can be quite tricky, stick to Beast and Brawler to take out the minions first, then use Rush with Majima. The first half of the fight will be with his Mad Dog style, afterwards he'll switch to Slugger (the baseball bat basically). My suggestion to you for the second part of the fight is wait for him to finish his combo. If you keep on attacking him, he will deal tremendous damage with the bat, and his combo is quite long and annoying too. You can switch to Dragon of Dojima style and pick up the bats from the ground too for some good damage! Beat him up and the chapter will end. As for you, you'll receive:

  • The Price of Life

    Completed chapter 5.

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CHAPTER VI - Father and Child

Once you leave Serena you'll be approached by a hobo who gives you some information. You now have to return to Purgatory. As you get to the Purgatory's entrance, you will be stopped by Komaki in West Park, a familiar face for those who played Yakuza 0. He will ask to train you and will teach you some great moves for the Dragon of Dojima style. You should do this whenever you have the chance; his next trainings are going to be effective Substories, plus he will require you to bring him some items. I will explain this in detail in the Coliseum page.

For now, head towards your objective. After a cutscene, you'll need to head to the batting center. Once you get there, you'll have to fight Takashi, and after him, his gang. After you beat them all up (not hard), you'll head for Club Debolah, in Theater Square. Go in and up the stairs. You'll fight a group of yakuzas, focus the one with the knife and remember that while Beast style might be good it's still slow so they might stunlock you for good (especially if you don't have heat) so if that happens switch to another style to unlock yourself.

Once you're done, return to Purgatory. You will receive a reward from the Florist. Return to Serena and talk to Date. Head to Public Park 3 afterwards, which is in the street right in front of Serena's bar basically, when you're in the street the park is to the right. You'll be tasked, after some conversation, to go to Shellac bar in the Champion District (east of the map). You go there and talk to the bartender, who will ask you a question. You'll answer: "Yamazaki 25-year-old". Now head to Stardust. After some talking, you'll have to fight some goons in the street together with Date. Once you're done, leave the club and go for the building on Pink Street where your objective is. You'll have to face Shota and the minions he has. He can be tricky with his knife, but nothing too exceptional. Defeating him ends the chapter and rewards you with:

  • Sins of the Father

    Completed chapter 6.

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CHAPTER VII - The Dragon and the Koi

Start of this chapter you'll be tasked to go to the tattoo artist, Utabori II. After the events that happen there, you'll need to head back to Serena. Some questionable choices affect the outcome of this cutscene, leading to Haruka running off...

Head to Theater Square with Date and speak to Aoki, the intel guy. Go to the Sega Arcade right north of Theater Square, head inside and there will be two schoolgirls talking. Press Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (38) to listen. Head to Shichif*cku Parking Lot, should be marked as objective to the eastern side of the map. There will be an annoying drunk guy who's a bit tricky because you have to threaten him TWICE to get him to talk. In my first playthrough I actually bought him a drink three times before realizing that he gives you the same reaction every time and doesn't do nothing... So anyway, he'll tell you to go to a park. The objectives will be placed on two different parks, but you'll actually have to go to the unmarked one, which is Public Park 3. You'll go to Stardust where there will be a big group of annoying suits, most of them with guns. Use the heat move you learned from Komaki (if you can) to deal some damage to the armed ones, and otherwise I suggest using Rush or Brawler for some fast attacks. You can dodge bullets by moving around and pressing Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (39) when the guy aiming you is about to shoot. It all comes down to timing really.

You'll move to the Purgatory now, which will become your new hideout. The girl will follow you around now and you'll be told to head to the Lottery Ticket Stand near Millenium Tower and talk to the lady there. You have to pay 100,000 yen to enter, which will convert to tags (which are the currency for this Gambling Hall). Talk to the guy inside to play some Cho-han. This plays out on its own since Haruka will tell you what she wants you to bet, you only have to put the amount of tags you will bet. Always bet the maximum here, keep doing this UNTIL the dealer LEAVES and returns! Now bet 1, a ctuscene will play afterwards. He switched dices, and the game was rigged, how nice. You have to fight a pack of guys, I suggest Beast and then Brawler/Rush with the last two tankier guys. You get 100k back after you beat them. You can now return to the Gambling Hall whenever you want to play the Japanese gambling games, but I suggest you wait till the end to do this.

Now, go back to the Purgatory to drop the girl and then go to Serena. You want to have healing items before going in. You'll have two fights here, one easy inside of the bar and a harder one outside, in the back alley (Yakuza 0 vibes). Always take out the minions first and the Katana guy last. Remember to use the guns they drop too, to make the fight easier. Defeat them and the chapter will end. You're now halfway into the game, you will get:

  • The Dragon and the Koi

    Completed chapter 7.

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Start by going to Purgatory. You learn that you'll have to look for some coloured gangs: blue, white and red. You can't skip this part and go directly to the red guys, you have to beat each one of them sequently! You can find the blue guys at the Children's Park. Beat them up and they'll tell you to search for the whites for more intel. You can find the white guys at the Champion's District, eastern side of the map. Precisely, they're in the little alleyway in the southern side of Champion's District. Beat them up and their leader will tell you that the red ones have the girl and that they're at Debolah, in Theater Square. Prepare for the next fight with healing items. Once you're in you'll be fighting two mini-bosses and their minions. The minions aren't the problem, take them out easily at first, but the two brothers are a pain to fight, one is slow and tanky, the other is a dancer and stunlocks you. There are tables you can use to smash them with Beast style. My advice for this fight is to try and keep them distant from each other while you fight with them. Once you take them out you'll need to head for Purgatory and speak to Date. Once you'll be ready, talk to Date to leave for Chinatown in Yokohama, ending the chapter. You'll get:

  • Puppet Masters

    Completed chapter 8.

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CHAPTER IX - The Rescue

This chapter has no freeroam whatsoever, it's just a long fight from start to finish. You'll start in the building, the minions fighting here are pretty bad. There will be a couple of waves but you should have no problem dealing with them. My advice is keep on attacking and dodging, blocking them isn't effective because of their swords; they'll keep breaking your guard and damaging you anyway. Always take out the guys with the pistols first, not only are they the most annoying enemies but they drop their pistols, which you can use again to kill their companions (or rather, incapacitate them with a few bullets... Kiryu has never killed anyone). If you don't know how to shoot at this point, you have to hold down Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (48) to aim and press Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (49) to shoot. At some point an enemy holding a long bar will come in. He's pretty annoying, I suggest you pick up one of the swords from the ground and use a Heat move on him or just break his guard. Once you take them all out you'll move to the next area, the kitchen. This area is PACKED with heat moves AND weapons, so take advantage of them all. It's also noted that there are two shotguns on the ground in one of the corners of the room, make sure you use them!

Now comes the boss fight: Lau Ka Long. His first phase, with the long Guan Dao can be countered with the Beast style: use the items in the room to attack him and damage him. Once he loses some health, he'll switch weapons. One of his thugs throws him two chinese swords, which you can fight against using the Brawler or Rush styles. He'll soon switch to bare fists until the end of the fight, so here you can take him with those styles still. He can be tough but not the hardest of the bosses. Beat him and after some cutscenes you'll end up in a car with Date, again.

This part you're going to need to remember later, if you're going for a 2nd playthrough in Legend difficulty. It's not that hard on the Easy, Normal and Hard difficulties, but on Legend it can be DEVASTATING, so use this opportunity as a training, let's say. This is going to be a car chase where you have to shoot off your enemies with a gun from your car. (Yakuza 0 style)

Here are the controls:

  • Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (50) is used to aim the gun.
  • Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (51),Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (52) can be used to fire the gun.
  • Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (53) to reload or to take cover.
  • Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (54) is the "Heat Eye", kind of like the Dead Eye from Red Dead Redemption where time moves slowly giving you time to aim for a brief moment.
  • Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (55) to view controls.

Heat Eye has a cooldown period before you can re-use it, which can be seen from the Heat bar. I can't give you any specific advice on how to do this; if the enemy's circle is becoming red, that means he is about to shoot you. If you shoot him once or twice you might be able to "stun" him, resetting his colour and thus blocking him from shooting you. Later there will be enemies with rocket launchers, remember that when they shoot you have still a chance to shoot their rocket before it hits you! Drivers are also pretty hard to hit for some reason. If you really can't make it here is a video that might help you:

Once you kill (incapacitate of course) the driver of the truck at the end of the chase, you'll end the chapter, receiving:

  • A Man's Conviction

    Completed chapter 9.

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CHAPTER X - Shape of Love

Check the letter on the counter for prompts of where to go. Go out and you'll see some pretty obvious pools of blood on the street. Start following the trail, and make sure you don't skip any of them because if you skip straight to the last one the game won't allow you to move on. Follow the trail up to Millenium Tower, then to the Champion District up until you see some beaten up thugs by the western alley of the District. They'll tell you to head to Hotel District, where Shinji was. Go towards it and you should receive a phone call at some point from Shinji. You'll get a new objective, you now have to go to the Multitenant building; make sure you do whatever you had planned to right now (like buying healing items) because you won't be able to free roam after you go in the building.

Once inside the path is pretty self-explanatory: you have to go up on top by following the staircases, only problem is the building is full of enemies. You have to take them down while going up, it's going to take a while but in the end you'll make it without too much effort really. At some point you'll meet an enemy or two holding a sofa and blocking the way. If you have Heat, you can move up to them and press Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (60) to do a Heat move that will take them out of the way instantly. Otherwise you have to carefully hit them a couple of times and move back before they hit you back with the sofa. Once you get on the rooftop you might get stuck not knowing where to go: you have to jump from the rail by pressing Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (61) when prompted to on the top right of the screen.

At the end you'll fight the Matrix boss (Kazuto Arase) and his minions. I must warn you: this boss has incredibly stupid mechanics. Take out his minions and use Rush style, basically spam dodge (Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (62)+Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (63)) until you get to his side or behind and attack him. You have to use Rush because he is quick and you need to be too. He also has a move where he points his guns towards one direction and starts shooting a load of bullets, make sure you avoid that because he does tons of damage. I rate this boss the 2nd most annoying one in this game. Take him out and the chapter will end. You'll receive:

  • The Dragon Roars

    Completed chapter 10.

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CHAPTER XI - Honor and Humanity

Directly from the start you'll be tasked to get access to Shangri-La. First you'll need to head for Shine club. You'll have a conversation there, which will direct you to the Jewel now. Head there, after another conversation you'll be heading out again, only this time there will be two thugs outside waiting to go in. Head back inside the club. A few events will happen and you'll need to go down south to Public Park 3. There you'll have a fight with a group of thugs, should be easy enough to beat them. After you're done with them, head back to Jewel for your reward. Now your new task is to return to Shine and give the item you just received to the girl there. You'll have YET another task, which will require you to go to the "MEB" (Men's Entertainment Booth") which is north of the Millenium Tower, and speak to the guy inside. Talk to him and select to offer 300,000 yen (you can't get less than this); you should technically have more money than this at this point, and if you don't pay you can't progress so there is no way around this.

Finally the head-here, head-there stuff is over. Go to Purgatory, on your way there you should receive an SMS/E-Mail/message from Majima-san, telling you to get in the cab because some people are tailing you. Do so, because if you try to go in Purgatory, you won't be allowed by the game. You'll drive to the pier (Yakuza 0 again?) where Majima and some Dojima family goons will be. You'll have to fight them with Majima along your side, pretty wholesome right? As always, take out the minions first and their leader last (he's a bit annoying this one). Once the fight is over, a brief kind of cutscene will happen, where Majima falls into the water after being shot. I know what you're thinking now. Kiryu, go save him, right? No lol he doesn't have time for this.

(no he doesn't actually die)

You'll head back to Purgatory now, pick up the girl and go to Shangri-La (south-east of the map). Speak to the guy in front of the building and he'll let you inside. Once inside, you'll have to head for the top floor (there is one path here so you can't get lost) and in the very last room to the right. Talk to the girl and once you're finished, you'll suddenly understand that Majima was able to come back up after drowning for a bit. So head outside of the room and you'll be attacked by a group of thugs. You have two choices here: either run across them (dodge once with Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (68) one of their attacks so you can get a full bar of Heat), use a Heat move on the guy blocking the way and get down to the first floor, or just fight each one of them normally. If you go for the second choice, you can also find items in the rooms of the building. Once you head down at the first floor, there will be Majima waiting for you. His first phase is the Mad Dog style, I suggest you use Rush here to dodge around him and attack him from behind. Once you take a good amount of his life he'll switch to his second phase; you'll know this will happen because there will be a cutscene mid-fight where he'll get on top of you and break the floor; watch out for a QTE, you'll have to press the right button to avoid damage! Now you'll be in the basem*nt of the building, with a few pieces of debris here and there that you can use: switch to Brawler style to match him, as he'll be using Thug style here, the blue one. Once you defeat him, you'll return to Purgatory. You'll be able to free-roam now until you talk to Date. Once you do, you'll move on to the next chapter and end this one, effectively achieving:

  • Ashes to Ashes

    Completed chapter 11.

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CHAPTER XII - Reunited

You're almost near the end now, this one is quick. You'll be at the pier, with a boat in front of you. There is a weapon shop in the starting area, in case you need it. Head onto the boat for an interesting cutscene. Once it is over, remember to save now, because you won't be able to in the next fight. Once you head outside, there will be a huge pack of enemies on the deck of the boat, many with guns and blades and their "leader" with a saw, make sure you avoid him before you take out the others. Beast is your friend here, along with some gas cylinder items that you can use to beat up the thugs. Once you've taken out all of them, there will be two more in the back of the boat, one will throw grenades at you while the other one has a shotgun. You'll head back to the pier next. Here another group of thugs from the Shimano family will attack you, but you'll have the Kazama Family at your side to back you up, but they'll die pretty quickly so fight with them for as long as you can. As always, take out the minions first, Beast is good here as well, and then Shimano last. His katana won't last long, just take away a good amount of his health and it'll break or he'll drop it. His 2nd phase is a joke, anything works here. Once you defeat him, an important cutscene plays out. Then, the chapter ends, you receive:

  • Legends Never Die

    Completed chapter 12.

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Finale - The End of Battle

You'll return to Kamurocho. Go to Stardust and talk to Yuya. The game will inform you that from now on, if you decide to move on with the story, you won't be able to free-roam anymore and you'll move to the end of the game. Now, a friendly suggestion. Before you move on, make sure you have an inventory full of healing items (preferably Staminan Royales) and preferably get some weapons in your inventory that you can use for Heat moves. You can either roam around now and do some secondary content (which you will be able to do after the end of the game in the same way so don't worry about it too much) or you can move on and finish the story now. If you decide to go for the second, talk to Kazuki and tell him that you're ready.

You'll be outside of Stardust, surrounded by a pack of thugs that will want to fight you. There will be a few waves of enemies here, they have guns too, but don't worry, they're not hard at all to defeat. If need be, pick up their weapons once they're down. After you defeat all of them, make your way to Millenium Tower. Once inside, you'll have to fight with the Men in Black (MIA), there are going to be a few waves here too, with their leader usually being the MIA Sergeant. Generally you want to incapacitate the guys with pistols, take their gun and use it to take out their friends. After you take out the first waves, you'll need to head up the escalator. One more wave will be there, and you'll need to head back down again, to fight yet another wave of enemies. Head back down to the bottom, and once you take all of the enemies down, you'll finally have to go for the elevator which will be in your objective.

Now comes the worst part of this game, Jingu. First of all, after the cutscene, you'll be surrounded by the Omi Alliance. They're not difficult at all, so take them out first. Jingu's soldiers will rush you, one by one they can be defeated with not so much effort. There is only one path here, to the right and then straight forward, so you can't miss it. Keep taking out the soldiers and going to the helipad. Now comes the FUN. Jingus and its two soldiers. Now, you're going to get stun locked a LOT. Don't worry, it's normal, it's not you or whatever you might think. I told you to get an inventory full of healing items for a reason, and this is it. This boss fight. If you have unlocked Tiger Drop from training with Komaki, now it's time to use it. If you haven't, not a problem, I didn't have it neither when I did this boss and if I did it then you can too. Now technically you're going to want to take out the two soldiers first, and then Jingu. But there is a catch, Jingu will attack you from distance with grenades, shoot you and whatnot, while the two soldiers attack you from close. Beast doesn't work here, you'll be really slow and all you need here is velocity, so Rush should do good. Now, if you keep them all close together, you'll lower the chances of Jingu attacking you from far (he still has a few cqc moves tho!). If you have brought weapons with you, don't hold back, use them now (especially those that give you heat moves). Once you take out both soldiers, and a good amount of Jingu's life, he will resurrect them, so you'll have to take them out AGAIN, but this time they'll have their blades and they'll move relentlessly and it's even more annoying then before. Remember to heal if need be but try to store a few healing items and not use all of them, because this is NOT the last boss fight! Once you take down the two soldiers for the second time, you can take out Jingu. Or, if you manage, you can still take him out with the two soldiers alive and then focus on them, it all depends on what you prefer, but remember, even if you take away all of Jingu's life before he resurrects them, he will NOT die! He has to resurrect his soldiers first before you get to defeat him!

You should have managed to defeat him after some intense annoying boss fight. Now for the final fight, Nishiki.

He is definitely easier to beat than Jingu. If you have Tiger Drop well, it's no effort at all. If not, use Beast and beat him with the various items around the room, or Dragon Style if you upgraded it, otherwise just Rush/Brawler. He has a lot of health but by the time he is at his last bar, you'll have to watch out for a QTE. If you hit it, you can end the boss fight with one bar left.

Now enjoy yourself your last cutscene, and congratulations for beating Yakuza Kiwami. You'll receive, finally:

  • Thank You!

    Completed the final chapter.

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4. Completion List Overview2. General hints and tips

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Guide for Yakuza Kiwami - Story walkthrough (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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