Central Texas College - For Students Of The Real World (2025)

The Eagle Self-Service Support at Central Texas College islocated in the Enrollment Center (building 209 – Records & Registration - 1st floor)of the main campus in Killeen, Texas.

The Eagle Self-Service Support is OPEN
Monday–Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. CST
Summer Hours (May 20 - August2, 2024): Closed on Fridays

Call the Eagle Self-Service Support
Local: 254-526-1637
In-State: 800-223-4760 Ext 1637
Out-of-State: 800-792-3348 Ext 1637

Send an email to the Eagle-Self Service Support.

Login Now

Logging In

First Time Users

Password Reset

If you have lost or cannot remember your student Eagle Self-Service account password, please contactthe Eagle Self-Service Support or submit an Eagle Self-Service Password Reset Request.

Eagle Self-ServiceUser Name Lookup

Account Disabled



Eagle Self-Service Registration PDF walk-through

A video tutorial of how to register through Eagle Self-Service can be found underStudent Planning in Eagle Self-Service

  • Go to Eagle Self-Service by scrolling over "Student Tools"
  • Log in with your user name and password
  • Click on "Student Planning"
  • Choose "Go to My Progress" under number 1
  • Scroll down and click on a class you are interested in taking for the upcoming semester
  • Filter your search results by LOCATIONS and TERM (on the left hand side)
  • Use the drop-down menu to "View Available Sections for..." the class you selected
  • When viewing available sections, take note of how many seats are available in the class and the start date of the class
    • Keep in mind that you must register for a section that has the correct location code. Using the "Location" filter will narrow down your results to only classes in that location.
      • TM=Central Campus
      • TD=Distance Learning (Online Class)
      • TH=Fort Hood Campus
      • TS=Service Area
  • You can review the details of the class before clicking "Add Section to Schedule" again
  • Once you add the class to your "Schedule"it will appearunder the "Plan & Schedule" option
  • From this menu, you can view your schedule and click on "Register" on the chosen class or "Register Now" in the right-hand corner
  • Course repeatIf you have taken the class once before and received a letter grade (includes a 'W'-withdrawal), the staff in Records & Registration will need to enroll you into this course. You will need to complete the Texas and Distance Learning form oneForms.

Texas and Distance Learning eForm instructions

Waitlist information

If you are unable to register yourself through Eagle Self-Service, you are not eligible to waitlist.

***Course repeats (second or third time taking a course) arenoteligible to waitlist.

  • Waitlists are only available during regular registration.
    • Three days before the course start date, students will not be able to waitlist.
  • Make sure you meet the prerequisites of the course before waitlisting.
  • Students must waitlist themselves through Eagle Self-Service.
  • Science courses with separate lectures and labs are not available for waitlisting.
  • Students can only waitlist or register for one section of the same course:
  • Students cannot register for one section and waitlist for a different section of the same course.
  • Students cannot waitlist for two sections of the same course.
  • If a student waitlists one section then decides to register for a different section, the student will need to drop the waitlist before registering for the other section.

If a waitlisted section becomes available, the first student on the waitlist will be notified that they can register via their student email. Please be aware when a waitlisted section is offered to you, you have 24 hours to register, after that time frame the seat will be offered to the next student and you will be removed from the waitlist.

Dropping a Course

Dropping a Course

  • Go to Eagle Self-Service by scrolling over "Student Tools"
  • Log in with your user name and password
  • Click on "Student Planning"
  • Click "Go to Plan & Schedule"
  • Check your semester and drop your class by selecting "Drop" in the grey box
  • The "Register and Drop Sections" window will open and you will need to click on "Update" before the drop is processed
  • The class will turn yellow once dropped

(Drop a class PDF walk-through)

The last day to drop a course in Eagle Self-Service is generally the last day before the semester starts (normally Sunday, Central Time). After that you must drop the class througheForms.

Account or Make Payment

View Account or Make Payment

  • Go to Eagle Self-Service by scrolling over "Student Tools"
  • Log in with your user name and password
  • Click on "Student Finance"
  • Click on "Make a Payment"
  • Follow through with payment process

Check theClass Schedulefor payment information


View Grades/Transcripts

A PDF version of your Transcript can be accessed through Student Planning:

  • Go to Eagle Self-Service by scrolling over “Student Tools” on the www.ctcd.edu website
  • Log in with your user name and password
  • Click on "Grades"
  • Scroll over the “Academics” drop down menu in the tabs and click on “Unofficial Transcript”
  • Click on “CTC Credit Transcript” or “CTC Noncredit Transcript”to download your PDF version of your transcript

(View Unofficial Transcript PDF walk-through)

Eagle Self-Service Help

Error Messages

Errors when changing password:

  • You are not permitted to change your password
    • This error indicates you are using an incompatible browser for a password change or there is a high level of security on the system you are using. Switch browsers or devices.
  • You entered an invalid username or password. Please try again.
    • This error indicates that you did not use the correct User ID or Old Password. Be sure to use your permanent User ID of the letter 'c' (lowercase) + your 7 digit CTC ID. The Old Password is the temporary password you entered on the first screen.
  • Your password was not updated. Please enter a password that is a minimum of 16 characters in length.
    • The new password is not long enough. Ensure that your password is 16 characters or more using letters and numbers only.
  • Your password was not updated. The password must contain letters and numbers but no special characters.
    • Special characters or symbols cannot be used when creating a new password. Examples: @, #, %
  • Your new password cannot be the same as a recently used password.
    • A brand new password not used on the system before should be created.
  • Unable to modify the password at this time. Please try again later.
    • Please wait 15 minutes before trying again to create a new password.
  • The new password was not entered correctly. Please try again.
    • ​​​​​​​You are not entering the exact same information in the "New Password" and "Confirm Password" fields.

FERPA Policy

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974)

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) does not allow us to process requests concerning an individual's record without their consent.FERPA rights apply to any student, regardless of age.

Please have the student/staff/faculty member send an email from their own email or call us with the following information:

  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Description of the issue they are experiencing
  • Error Messages, if any available

The faculty/staff member who is trying to assist a student or another faculty or staff member must include the original email with the request and an email will be sent directly to the individual requesting the assistance.

Data Protection and Privacy

Passwords limit entries to the computer system. Your password is unique, known only to the user. Memorize your password. If it must be recorded, store it in a safe place, preferably encoded so others cannot read it. It should not be taped to the terminal, keyboard, or stored inside a desk drawer. (“FERPA & Security Procedures Pg 18 of 26”)

Email Help

Email Change Request

  • Email Change Request
    If you would like to change/add a secondary email to your account please complete the form below. Please do not refresh your browser once the form has been submitted.
Central Texas College - For Students Of The Real World (2025)
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Article information

Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

Last Updated:

Views: 5801

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.