Believing the Unbelievable (2024)

If you are like me, you can often read things on the internet and quickly dismiss them as fiction. And the cold hard reality is that there is a lot of fiction parading around as fact on the internet as a whole. Even Wikipedia is made up from posts from people’s contributions, so can you really put your full trust in it? Not really. The fact is, we do have to take things with a grain of salt and not trust everything we read on the internet. But what if some of the more seemingly outrageous stories had some basis in fact. What I am talking about and how does it relate to the topic of spanking, please read on to find out.

We live inside our bubbles and only directly observe what goes on in our friend and family spheres. Sometimes even things we read, watch and listen to on the NEWS seems pretty crazy to us when it isn’t happening directly to us. Sometimes there are things that happen, almost literally in our backyards, that we might find unbelievable. Sometimes tragic and scary that these NEWS stories can happen right around the corner from where we live. My point is that we live inside our little spheres that we only see what we see, and there is a bigger world that we are not seeing.

Let me relate this to the world of spanking as that is what this site is all about and is the point I am ultimately trying to make. Almost a year ago, I started reading on a forum, where people talked about their spankings. It was surprising that the subject for the most part was handled with a lot of discernment and care. It was aimed at Spanked Girls and that was who mostly contributed, but there were some strict mothers that believed in spanking, as well as some guys that posted there as well. Yes, I am one of those guys. Admittedly, I did lurk on there for some time before I eventually started posting my own posts on there and asking some of the girls questions. I was surprised by how many would open up to me and seem to like chatting with me. Some wanted me to ask them questions. One girl in particular was eager to share her spanking tales with me, both of herself and her siblings and cousins getting spanked. I even communicated with her mom, who seemed very stern and strict, even over the internet. I don’t think I would want to be on the receiving end of one of that woman’s spankings!!

Now, over time there arose some drama between me and this mother/daughter duo and I felt out of good report with them. I also came to discover that a lot of people thought that there whole story was all made up, with facts being pointed out as being inconsistent. Now, I cannot confirm or deny that some of these facts that were pointed out did seem to be inconsistent, but I don’t know if that means that everything they said was a lie. This mother/daughter duo seem to live in a very religious and Christian Community which wasn’t very large. A vast majority of the people in that community seemed to wholeheartedly believe that spanking was the right way to raise your kids. This girl had several brothers and sisters that all got spankings as discipline as well and some were in their twenties. Now, I fully realize that anyone can say anything, especially when it comes to an anonymous forum, but I also feel like that can be one of the safest places for you to be yourself. I know you cannot trust everything that you read on the internet, but maybe, just maybe some of the stories are true, even some of the more unbelievable ones.

To that end, I want to share a little bit of a something mentioned in passing while I was sharing a ride with a family from my church to the service being held at an outdoor patch of woods. On the ride there amongst all our chat about lockdowns and mask wearing and all that fun stuff, we got talking about rights and how the government shouldn’t have the right to dictate whether we can meet in person for church during this pandemic. (By the way, I am not going to weigh in on my thoughts on that topic as that is not the point of this blog.) As we were talking about this topic, my friend from church, who is a mother of three boys, made a point about how there should be a separation of church and state (Province here in Canada) and how a police officer wouldn’t be allowed to spank your kids as that would be wrong. I just quickly agreed with her point, but not before adding that maybe some adults should be spanked by the police…lol. Please know that I wasn’t super serious to that point and meant it to be funny!! I just couldn’t help making that comment as a spanko!!

Now, here is the point of me sharing that conversation with you. I found it to be somewhat surprising how easily spanking can be dropped into conversation by parents of this generation. And as a spanko, I start to wonder about the unspoken things from this conversation. Does the mere mentioning of the word spanking mean that this mother believes in spanking, if even as a last resort? Was she spanked as a kid and now carries on that same practice with her own kids? That isn’t too hard to imagine as I do find that people within Christian or religious circles in general still seem to be very pro-spanking. I am not saying that all Christians are, but it has been my observation that some are. Again, I am not looking to make any real statements as to the correctness of the use of spanking on kids, I just want to share what I have observed.

My point in sharing all this and the main point of this post is to say that we often don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. Yes, unfortunately this means that a lot of domestic violence can go on behind the scenes without being noticed and that is not a good thing. But it also stands to reason, that at least some of these girls that talk about being spanked by their parents into their late teens and even early to mid twenties are actually true. I happen to believe many of the spanking true tales that these girls told me about, some of which I am still in contact with. Sure I cannot verify that it is true, but I also cannot verify that it is not true. I personally choose to believe many of the stories that I read on these forums, even the more unbelievable ones. Maybe that is simply because it is exciting to imagine some these more unbelievable stories actually happening in real life!! But if my observations that spanking is still considered by some within the religious communities and maybe even others that are not part of a religious community to be an acceptable means of discipline, then I have to wonder how much else happens behind closed doors that we don’t know about. Often it is only the immediate family that knows about the discipline methods of their family. So much can happen behind closed doors that a vast majoritiy of the world never finds out about. So it is my belief that more kids that we realize are spanked well into their teens and maybe some into their twenties by their parents. For better or for worse, there is still a large group that believes that spanking is an acceptable form of discipline on there kids, teens and young adults today!! What could be going on just around the corner from you without you ever being the wiser!!

Thanks for joining me in this little rant for whatever it is worth!! Look for more posts soon!!

Believing the Unbelievable (2024)


What is the difference between unbelievable and disbelief? ›

Disbelief is the state of not believing, or refusal to believe. While unbelievable is when we think something is so hard to be believed.

Does faith believe in the impossible? ›

Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible, and receives the impossible. Doubt sees the obstacles; faith sees the way. Doubt sees the darkest night; faith sees the day. Doubt dreads to take a step; faith soars on high.

Is there power in believing? ›

Belief Creates Resilience

Belief doesn't just survive adversity, it gets stronger because of it. Belief empowers people by giving them unshakable resolve. Belief is what animates the ability to respond to any situation with extraordinary toughness, tenacity, and determination.

What is the meaning of unbelief in the Bible? ›

Unbelief is sin.

Romans 14:23 says, “…and anything that is not from faith is sin.” This one hits home! We often think of sin as those really bad things or those really secret things that offend God. But the Bible is clear that unbelief is sin. That means God finds not trusting in Him offensive.

What are three synonyms for unbelievable? ›

  • incredible.
  • incredulous.
  • impossible.
  • unlikely.
  • fantastical.
  • unimaginable.
  • inconceivable.
  • ridiculous.
Aug 3, 2024

What is the literal meaning of unbelievable? ›

unable to be believed; incredible or astonishing.

How to trust God when things seem impossible? ›

Here are seven practical ways to trust God in your everyday life:
  1. Seek Truth in Scripture.
  2. Confess Unbelief. Be honest. ...
  3. Share Your Concerns With Your Community.
  4. Remember God and Spend Time With Him. God is bigger than your circ*mstances. ...
  5. Look for Things to Be Grateful For.
  6. Walk in the Holy Spirit. ...
  7. Wait on the Lord.

What Scripture says about believing for the impossible? ›

Matthew 19:26: “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27: “With men it is impossible, but not with God.” Luke 1:37: “With God nothing will be impossible.” Luke 18:27: “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”

How do you keep faith when life seems impossible? ›

Learn what meditation is from Light Watkins, and go deeper with mindbodygreen Classes.
  1. Pray. ...
  2. Be generous to others. ...
  3. Get inspired. ...
  4. Surround yourself with people you admire. ...
  5. Get the ball rolling first thing in the morning.
Apr 27, 2020

How powerful is believing in yourself? ›

Life is full of challenges, obstacles, and setbacks. Without self-belief, these hurdles can seem insurmountable, causing us to give up before we even try. Believing in yourself, on the other hand, provides the mental fortitude needed to face adversity head-on.

What does the Bible say about the power of believing? ›

Everything is possible for one who believes.” (John 11:25-26) Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.

Is believing in God magical thinking? ›

Religious thinking is full of respect for God and for His freedom. Magical thinking is focused on the effectiveness of efforts, in which the central role is played by precision in saying incantations or performing ritual (clearly defined formulas and spells).

What is the root cause of unbelief? ›

The roots of unbelief lie in loving the wrong things.

God made us to love. He made us to love him and to love each other. All his commandments are summed up in these two things: Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. The effect of sin is that we love the wrong things.

Can God forgive unbelief? ›

DEAR T.D.: The only sin God cannot forgive is the sin of refusing to turn to Him and accept His forgiveness. To put it another way, the only sin God can't forgive is the sin of unbelief.

What is the prayer to overcome unbelief? ›

Help me to refuse to fear when fear is trying so hard to come upon me. Help me to know and fully accept and receive the love You have for me, because You are LOVE. Help me to honor Your commandment to believe on the Name of Jesus and to love others as He gave commandment. I receive it; I'm committed.

What does it mean when someone says unbelievable? ›

Definitions of unbelievable. adjective. beyond belief or understanding. synonyms: incredible flimsy, unconvincing. not convincing.

What does it mean if someone is in disbelief? ›

Disbelief is not believing that something is true or real. She looked at him in disbelief. Synonyms: scepticism, doubt, distrust, mistrust More Synonyms of disbelief.

What is the best synonym for disbelief? ›

Synonyms of disbelief
  • skepticism.
  • doubt.
  • incredulity.
  • suspicion.
  • unbelief.
  • uncertainty.
  • nonbelief.
  • distrust.
Jul 28, 2024

What is the meaning of the word disbelief? ›

disbelief. noun. dis·​be·​lief ˌdis-bə-ˈlēf. : the act or state of disbelieving : mental rejection of something as untrue.

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