As lenders tighten requirements, improve your chances of getting a new credit card with these 4 tips (2024)

With the current economic downturn casting wide uncertainty about the future, it's no secret that banks are becoming more strict about who they approve for new credit cards.

If you have recently applied for a credit card, you might have been asked to submit additional employment verification or show more documentation of your income.

"Applying for new credit today is different than it was just a short time ago," says Jim Triggs, president and CEO of nonprofit credit counseling agencyMoney Management International, Inc(MMI). With lenders scrutinizing potential borrowers more than they did before the pandemic, he suggests being ready.

"Consumers need to be prepared to be declined for new credit if they show any risk at all— like late payments, maxed out credit cards or potentially the fact that one has some new credit inquiries,"Triggs says. "This is even if their credit score is perceived to be good or excellent."

If you are planning to apply for a credit card during coronavirus, here are four ways to increase your approval odds, as well as what a credit card issuer may ask for when you apply. While these steps may not guarantee your approval, they will certainly improve your chances.

1. Pay all your bills on time

Your payment history is the most important factor in determining your credit score. A good credit score will increase your odds of being approved for a credit card as lenders like to see that you can manage an additional line of credit and make monthly payments on what you charge.

You should always pay your credit card bills on time each month and try to pay them in full if you can. For those who aren't able to right now, pay at least the minimum so your account stays in good standing.

The same goes for all your other bills as well. Paying your monthly utilities, cell phone, car loan and mortgage or rent payments by their due dates helps keep your credit score in check. Just make sure that these on-time payments are reported to the credit bureaus so that they appear on your credit report (services like Experian Boost and Experian RentBureau can help with this). Some credit card issuers might even consider these payment obligations when you submit an application.

If you already have a high credit score, a missed or late payment could seriously hurt you. FICO data shows that for someone with a credit score of 793, a 90-day missed payment would cause their score to drop by 100 points. Whereas the same 90-day missed payment would cause a credit score of 607 to drop by only 27 to 47 points.

2. Be able to show employment or some type of cash flow

Given the surging unemployment rates, lenders are looking at your income just as much as your credit score to see if you qualify for new credit.

"With over 40 million Americans out of work, creditors are most likely concerned about potential delinquency and the overall ability for consumers who may be struggling to repay the debt that they borrow," Triggs says. "Consumers may have to provide additional information to prove their employment and income than they may have had to provide in the recent past."

While documentation requests aren't standardized from lender to lender, applicants could be asked to send in additional verification to confirm their identity and prove their income, Leslie Tayne, a debt-relief attorney and founder ofTayne Law Group, tells Select.

"Some lenders are now asking for copies of bills for proof of address and social security cards for identity purposes," Tayne says. "Credit scores and credit reports don't provide creditors with insight regarding an applicant's income, so proof of income may be required to secure the approval of a credit card."

If you've recently lost your job or you are anticipating a layoff, you can still qualify for a credit card but you need to show that you have the ability to make payments. The good news is that you don't have to show high disposable income, just verified income.

"For lenders that are approving new credit, their focus does not appear to be on a consumer having a higher level of income," a spokesperson atcredit bureau Equifax tells CNBC Select. "Instead, many lenders are focused on applications with higher credit scores and being able to verify income viaThe Work Numberor established payment habits through bank transaction data."The Work Number is an online database that provides income and employment verification services for both employers and their employees.

With the increased focus on income verification, there arestill some alternative income sources that you can list on your credit card application to help qualify, thanks to the CARD Act. They include:

  • Unemployment benefits
  • Your spouse's income if they still work (or household income)
  • Your investment returns
  • Rental property income
  • Trust fund payouts or inheritances
  • Any child support you receive
  • Alimony payments you receive
  • Social Security payments
  • Public assistance
  • Retirement distributions

3. Apply for a secured credit card

If you don't think your current income is enough to get approved for a credit card right now, you should consider applying for a secured card. These cards are generally easier to qualify for because they have less strict income requirements. With a secured card, you can continue to build your credit score like you would on a normal credit card but you will need to put down a refundable deposit upfront which acts as your credit limit. For this reason, you will usually have a lower credit limit, but it's a good stepping stone to work your way toward qualifying for a credit card.

Some of Select's top picks for secured credit cards are below.

4. Monitor your credit score for any changes

The easiest way to gauge your approval odds for a new credit card is to be informed. Become familiar with your credit report andand monitor your credit score frequently, especially as you implement good money habits to try to improve your score.

From now through April 2021, you can get a free credit report every week from each of the three main credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion) by going to Federal law entitles everyone to one free credit report from each bureau per year, but in wake of the financial hardship from the coronavirus outbreak it has made credit reports more easily accessible.

You can alsocheck your credit score for free by logging into your credit card issuer's site or by using a free credit score service accessible to anyone, such as CreditWise from Capital One, Chase Credit Journey or Discover Credit Scorecard.

Learn more:

  • Here's who's eligible for a credit card and what factors card issuers consider when you apply
  • How to protect your credit score if you lose your job
  • Credit card applications have dropped by 40% amid coronavirus—here's when to apply for a new card

Information about the Platinum Secured Mastercard® from First Tech Federal Credit Union, DCU Visa® Platinum Secured Credit Card,and SDFCU Savings Secured Visa Platinum Cardhas been collected independently by Select and has not been reviewed or provided by the issuer of the card prior to publication.

Editorial Note: Opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the Select editorial staff’s alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any third party.

As lenders tighten requirements, improve your chances of getting a new credit card with these 4 tips (2024)


As lenders tighten requirements, improve your chances of getting a new credit card with these 4 tips? ›

The 2/3/4 rule: According to this rule, applicants are limited to two new cards in a 30-day period, three new cards in a 12-month period and four new cards in a 24-month period. The six-month or one-year rule: Some issuers may only let borrowers open a new credit card account once every six months or once a year.

What are four 4 ways you can reduce your credit card debt? ›

  • Find a payment strategy or two.
  • Consider debt consolidation.
  • Work with your creditors.
  • Seek help through debt relief.
  • Lower your living expenses.
5 days ago

What is the 2 3 4 rule for credit cards? ›

The 2/3/4 rule: According to this rule, applicants are limited to two new cards in a 30-day period, three new cards in a 12-month period and four new cards in a 24-month period. The six-month or one-year rule: Some issuers may only let borrowers open a new credit card account once every six months or once a year.

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Here are some steps you can take to avoid credit card debt altogether:
  • Pay as much as you can toward your debt. ...
  • Track your spending. ...
  • Save for emergencies. ...
  • Keep an eye on your credit scores.

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How to use a credit card to build credit
  • Pay on time, every time (35% of your FICO Score) ...
  • Keep your credit utilization low (30% of your FICO Score) ...
  • Limit new credit applications (15% of your FICO Score) ...
  • Use your card regularly. ...
  • Increase your credit limit.
Jul 22, 2024

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Standards may differ from lender to lender, but there are four core components — the four C's — that lenders will evaluate in determining whether they will make a loan: capacity, capital, collateral and credit.

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  • Pay on time. Paying your credit card account on time helps you avoid late fees as well as penalty interest rates applied to your account, and helps you maintain a good credit record. ...
  • Stay below your credit limit. ...
  • Avoid unnecessary fees. ...
  • Pay more than the minimum payment. ...
  • Watch for changes in the terms of your account.

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Now, if you do not pay off that bill at the end of every month, the interest you owe the credit card company will offset any of the rewards you might have earned. Sadly, many people do not follow this rule.

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Key takeaways

Having multiple credit cards helps reduce your utilization rate and provides lenders with more information to better gauge your creditworthiness. If you apply for several credit cards within a short period, it could negatively impact your credit score.

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It's generally recommended that you have two to three credit card accounts at a time, in addition to other types of credit. Remember that your total available credit and your debt to credit ratio can impact your credit scores. If you have more than three credit cards, it may be hard to keep track of monthly payments.

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Perhaps the most obvious drawback of using a credit card is paying interest. Credit cards tend to charge high interest rates, which can drag you deeper and deeper in debt if you're not careful.

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Pay your balance every month

Paying the balance in full has great benefits. If you wait to pay the balance or only make the minimum payment it accrues interest. If you let this continue it can potentially get out of hand and lead to debt. Missing a payment can not only accrue interest but hurt your credit score.

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The Bottom Line

It's possible to make use of financial products that can get you rewards and grow your credit, yet still stay out of debt. Stick to your spending plan and pay off monthly credit card balances in full, and you'll have taken the first and potentially most important steps toward lasting debt freedom.

How to ask for late payment forgiveness? ›

A goodwill letter is a formal letter to a creditor or lender, such as a bank or credit card company, to request forgiveness for a late payment or other negative item on your credit report. In the letter, you typically: Explain the circ*mstances that led to the late payment or issue.

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5 Ways to Boost Your Credit Score Overnight
  1. Review Your Credit Reports and Dispute Errors.
  2. Pay Bills On Time.
  3. Report Positive Payment History Like Utilities to Credit Bureaus.
  4. Keep Old Accounts Open.
  5. Keep Your Credit Balances Under 30%
Jun 26, 2024

What are 2 ways to increase your credit limit? ›

There are two types of credit limit increases.
  • Customer-initiated credit limit increase: A customer requests additional credit from a lender.
  • Lender-initiated credit limit increase: A lender offers additional credit to a customer. This could occur with or without the customer taking any action.
May 22, 2024

What are 5 ways to manage debt? ›

But it takes a committed and consistent plan to get out of debt and stay out.
  • 5 steps to control finances and debt. ...
  • Look for lower interest rates. ...
  • Pay more than the minimum on credit cards. ...
  • Have money available for emergencies and unplanned expenses. ...
  • Make it harder to spend. ...
  • Learn to use credit wisely.

How can I reduce my credit card debt? ›

Options for paying off your credit card balance include:
  1. Making a budget. Find out if you can make savings anywhere. This will: Free up money to increase your credit card repayments. ...
  2. Transfer the balance. Find a zero percent interest credit card and make regular payments to pay this off.
  3. Take out a consolidation loan.

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List your debts from highest interest rate to lowest interest rate. Make minimum payments on each debt, except the one with the highest interest rate. Use all extra money to pay off the debt with the highest interest rate. Repeat process after paying off each debt with the highest interest rate.

How can I reduce my credit card bill? ›

6 Proven Ways To Pay Off Credit Card Bills Fast
  1. Convert payment to EMIs. ...
  2. Find a payment strategy. ...
  3. Consolidate debts with a personal loan. ...
  4. Know your billing cycle and take advantage of grace period. ...
  5. Limit the number of credit cards. ...
  6. Consider an automatic bill payment facility.

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